LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles City Council established a special committee Wednesday to guide the wildfire recovery effort in a “swift, equitable and sustainable manner.”
In a unanimous vote, the council approved a motion to form the Ad Hoc Windstorm and Wildfire Recovery Committee, which will lead all aspects of the city’s recovery and rebuilding.
The motion was introduced by Council President Marqueece Harris- Dawson, Councilwoman Traci Park and Councilman Bob Blumenfield.
“Our hillsides were charred. Businesses that housed the entrepreneurial spirit of our city had been reduced to rubble. Homes, which just the night before had provided respite and peace, are gone,” Park said.
Park represents the 11th District, which includes Pacific Palisades. As of Wednesday, the Palisades Fire had reached 68% containment and the death toll stood at 11.
“It’s where we will problem-solve and find solutions, and ultimately chart a path so every impacted resident can finally make their way home,” Park said. “This committee will also be just as much about restoring public faith in our city’s emergency and disaster response.”
Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez, who represents the Seventh District, encompassing northeast San Fernando Valley neighborhoods such as Sylmar, Pacoima, La Tuna Canyon and Lake View Terrace, said:
“We are the ones that need to be on the front lines leading this conversation, attuned to the needs of our communities, but making sure that no community is left behind in that conversation.”
Harris-Dawson appointed Park as the chair of the committee. The councilwoman also announced she resigned as the chair of the 2028 Olympics Committee to dedicate her full attention to the recovery effort.
“I know the road to recovery will be long and complex, but I want every resident to know this: I will be here with you every step of the way,” Park said in a statement. “This committee represents hope, action and the collective intention to rebuild our beloved community.”
The committee is expected to meet in the areas most affected by the wildfire, ensuring the process remains responsive to local needs, according to Park’s office.
1 Comment
Thank you Tracy Park!!
Wow finally an elected who recognizes residents are far more important than short term tourists!!!
Tracy seems to understand that
1 Resident concerns are worthy of concern
2 No resident should be dismissed or devalued for expressing concerns
3 Resident lifetime’s are far more important than the joy of a short term tourist.
Thank you to Tracy Park for setting an example which other elected should follow.
No elected should ever put their personal vision of those the are elected to serve.