PASADENA – A 22-year-old man died and injured two people when he drove his sports car the wrong way on the Foothill (210) Freeway in the Pasadena area and crashed head-on into their vehicle.
The crash occurred about 3:10 a.m. Sunday on the westbound freeway near Allen Avenue, according to the California Highway Patrol.
The Los Angeles resident drove a 2015 Chevrolet Camaro eastbound in the westbound HOV lane, colliding head-on into a 2021 Ford F-150 pickup truck. He driver died at the scene from blunt force trauma, the CHP reported.
He was identified by the Medical Examiner’s office as Jeffrey Mejia Rodriguez.
The Burbank man driving the pickup truck was taken to a hospital by ambulance with a possible fracture of his left wrist and the 50-year-old Burbank woman in the passenger seat complained of pain to her neck and back, according to the CHP.