By Don Lee | LA Times
Kamala Harris had no sooner replaced Joe Biden as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee than Donald Trump began bashing her over the number of immigrants coming into the United States, declaring that they had driven countless American workers from their jobs.
But the data on U.S. employment and the economy overwhelmingly suggest a reality far more beneficial when it comes to immigration than the nightmarish vision the former president has put forth.
The surge of international migrants since 2021 — including refugees, asylum seekers and others entering legally and illegally — has lifted the U.S. and California economies by filling otherwise vacant jobs, helping to keep job creation strong, growing businesses and pumping millions of tax dollars into state, local and federal coffers.
Read more at: LA Times
1 Comment
They have driven Americans from their jobs, especially the black Americans in construction fields. They take that money and they send it to Mexico and Central America Central America receives $65 billion a year from remittances Mexico receives $65 billion a year from remittance. It’s not benefiting America or Americans.