INGLEWOOD – The mayor and council are being asked to weigh in on a proposed initiative/ballot measure to impose a 3% gross receipts tax on for-profit hospitals operating in Inglewood.
The mayor and council are being asked to either adopt the ordinance as is, submit the proposed ballot measures to voters or prepare a report in accordance with Elections Code Section 9215(c).
According to the accompanying staff report, “…the tax rate for for-profit hospitals is $1.65 per $1000 and the proposed ordinance wants to change it to a 3% flat tax.”
The City expects to reap close to $5.4 million annually should either the council or voters approve the change in tax.
The council has a history of placing these initiatives before voters except when its delivered on behalf of a billionaire seeking to do business within city limits when City Hall is closed to the public.
Speaking of, where’s the initiative to increase Admission Taxes and Parking Taxes to cover outside law enforcement agency and transportation impact costs because of the incoming venues?
And all the new money will be used…..for what?
to give which new council position her much desired salary increase, or will the council come up with another party idea?
That would fit with recent practice as opposed to resident service which is real ie trash removal fee decrease, or perhaps donation of those funds to directly eliminate the IUSD state loan returning control to local elected .
Oh wait, what delusional fantasy did caring for community come from? Guess I need some coffee!!
You can always tell when election season is around the corner!
Suddenly all those pleased as punch to giggle their adoration for higher salaries proclaim their concern of charging others higher taxes!!
Sadly the document shows us way too well how poorly skilled the writer of the document is.
The current rate is expressed as dollars per thousand income and the desired increase is expressed in % of profit rather than income.
This is a non-profit service to community provider– in theory this is THE place that is our first place of care in case of medical emergency!!
It is hard to believe the City Clerk who in theory has read if not typed the documents concerning the projected earnings of the Billionaire Bussiness owners who provide no service to the community but require we residents pay for their security, would have the audacity to increase taxes on the one entity left in our community on which our very lives may depend.
Clearly this woman has not got her priorities in alignment with safety of community members.
Not that she has ever come off as possessing wisdom but good grief what is that quote about remaining silent and removing all doubt.
And by the way where is that money from the hospital coming from originally?….Oh let’s see would that be largely from our medical or medicare dollars?
Perhaps it would seem wise the actually save our dollars by asking the billionaires (one was declared 10th richest in the world this July) to pay an extra % of his profit.