Why aren’t you writing about the upcoming demolition at Woodworth and Morningside High School?
Inglewood Unified solicited bids in October for the work. The plans are for them to completely demolish Woodworth and the back end of Morningside High.
I know they are building homes but I thought it was on the already vacant land along the back, not them demolishing existing buildings for the project.
Inglewood resident, District 4
Out of curiosity….why did the letter writer think 2 urban girls should keep us aware rather than ask that very question of Dione Faulk the former School Board member and current councilmember in whose district the schools currently stand?
Ms Faulk should have used her position to let us know what was/is planned while on the school board and what she was/is doing to retain student population and increase learning….. now she should be asking each of us what we want on OUR property!!!!
She has voted consistently for every large housing project- – Can she actually believe none of those dwelling units will have school age children living in them… ?
Check Urbanize LA to see what she has already approved!!
Why was she silent when
Freeman, Lane, Woodworth, and Worthington were all closed?
Accountability is seriously lacking.
really !! Surely that was question was not meant as a scolding?
While many would agree we would like to know more perhaps scolding should be directed to the people we pay ie our Elected. You know the ones with the glossy mailers who we cast votes for to become School Board Members or maybe the volunteer Asset Committee or here’s a flash how about the County Appointee who made the decision!!
But here’s another thought – let’s not forget the guy that no matter what claims resident issues are not his issue but could eliminate the school loan and return schools to local control Senator Steve Bradford.
How about that other “representative” , the “I will make it better” if you vote for me Assemblymember Tina McKinnor.
As often as some have tried to keep Inglewoodians aware of issues that impact us …. when help is needed with letters, phone calls, coffee chats, or simply showing up at meetings those who say they care are always “busy”.
Thank you 2 urban girls for having showed all when meetings are held and where to find official websites which should keep us in the know.
Sometimes like the concern over traffic- auto congestion or the increase in overhead flights from the soon to be built 20 additional airplane gates, when the pay attention alarm is being sounded, many have said it’s too hot/too cold, too early/too late, too something – someone (else) should attend, write, speak. Really ??
From the comfort of each home anyone with a cell phone could have found the demolition plans on the IUSD website.
Sadly many home owners will be stuck paying for construction bonds for 40 more years while the schools are being turned into tiny tiny pieces and sent to landfills.
Please ! Please don’t shoot or blame the messengers for unawareness!
Some have given up large portions of their lives only to find the small faithful few making the efforts to save our s hooks and our community.
This is our (that is a plural) community in which WE ALL have a responsibility to stay aware and share what we learn.
Thank you 2 urban girls for sharing as you have.
Some are aware you are real people with real lives and challenges to deal with everyday .