COMPTON – Compton Councilman Andre Spicer may have violated campaign finance laws when he paid himself as a consultant out of funds earmarked for his campaign for mayor.
The Spicer for Mayor 2026 campaign reported receiving a $90,000 campaign contribution from Dr. Dre (Andre Young) in March 2023.
The Compton City Clerk’s office date stamped receiving the forms in August 2023 but didn’t publish them to the City’s website until days ago, after multiple public records requests were submitted to their office inquiring about them.
The office initially indicated there were “no responsive records” when the documents were requested.
According to the campaign’s financial disclosures, Spicer paid himself $6,000 out of the funds for consulting, photography, and fundraising costs.
According to the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) which enforces campaign finance laws and candidates reporting annual statements of economic interests (Form 700’s) candidates are not allowed to pay themselves.
We contacted the FPPC and asked if candidates paying themselves as a consultant is allowable which they said it isn’t.
Jay Wierenga, communications director for the FPPC, provided links to the FPPC Campaign Manual, Chapter Chapter 6.12 addresses what is/isn’t allowed in terms of the use of campaign funds.
It says, “The candidate or officeholder, or any individual authorized to approve the committee’s expenditures, may not receive a salary or other compensation from the committee for the performance of political, legislative, or governmental activities,” “However, the committee may pay for professional services such as an accountant or treasurer, even if the accountant or treasurer has the authority to sign committee checks.”
Former Compton Councilman Isaac Galvan, who Spicer replaced, was fined $240,000 by the FPPC for misuse of his campaign funds between 2013 and 2017.
“Galvan first was elected to the Compton City Council, District 2, in June 2013. He was re-elected in April 2017. In 2021, he was re-elected again, and he remained in office until May 2022 when his 2021 re-election was invalidated. Galvan for Compton City Council 2013/2017 was Galvan’s candidate-controlled committee. Galvan served as the Committee’s treasurer. Galvan and the Committee failed to timely file semi-annual and pre-election campaign statements, in violation of Government Code Sections 84200, 84200.5, and 84200.8 (13 counts); failed to properly report committee activity on campaign statements, in violation of Government Code Section 84211 (6 counts); failed to timely file 24-Hour Reports, in violation of Government Code Section 84203 (8 counts); accepted a money order of $100 or more, in violation of Government Code Section 84300, subdivision (a) (1 count); made unlawful cash expenditures of campaign funds, in violation of Government Code Section 84300, subdivision (b) (4 counts); and failed to keep required committee records, in violation of Government Code Section 84104 and Regulation 18401 (4 counts). Also, Galvan unlawfully used campaign funds for personal purposes, in violation of Government Code Sections 89510, subdivision (b), 89512, 89513, and 89517 (17 counts).”
Galvan was also sent a warning letter in July 2023 regarding his failure to file a statement of economic interests forms in accordance with state law.
Spicer has filed his annual statements of economic interests by the deadline imposed by the state.