A leaked email from a deputy probation officer is their response to an email sent from Interim Probation Chief Guillermo Vierra Rosa.
The email was published to a Facebook group for probation officers that was shared with 2UrbanGirls. We have not seen the email sent by Rosa, however, an op-ed was sent to 2UrbanGirls highlighting Rosa’s directive that closes probation offices two days a week placing probation officers in juvenile halls, in Downey and Sylmar, leaving high-risk offenders out of contact with their probation officer.
This email appears to be their response.
Good Afternoon Chief,
I am in receipt of your email that was sent to all staff. I am only able to answer with WOW. This is the way you approach your staff. I am disappointed.
Unfortunately, I already see the cracks in your regime. In three months’ time, you implemented a mandatory 8 hour shift a month for all staff, regardless of their assignments or limitations. A month later you added an additional 4-hour shift per month. This week you switched it to two 4 hour shifts per month. And you changed it yet again to two 8 hour shifts per week. I am speechless. I was just advised this afternoon (1:09pm) by my supervisor that I am assigned to report at Sylmar SYTF on Sunday, August 6, 2023, 6am-2pm.
Unfortunately, I will not be present on Sunday. I have a family member on hospice and we as a family are meeting with him to have lunch that day. Family is important and that comes first. However, if someone would ask me what dates I can cover and not implement this so last minute and in such a chaotic manner, I might have been able to provide information on my availability. I attempted to use the automated call out system but due to glitches in the system it refused to accept my call out. So, I am advising you that I will not be present for that shift.
I’m not sure if you have given any consideration that staff who work in the field have many functions when supervising probationers. Removing them twice a week (40% reduction of providing supervision and services) will not allow them to see their Probationers and be able to monitor them in our communities. It will also cause them to fall behind in being able to prepare reports for the court. And what is their priority? Staffing the halls or carrying their caseloads. How will they be judged on their annual evaluations?
Your email states that “many staff continue to shirk their duty as if they don’t believe we are in an institutional emergency. They act as if they don’t care that by failing to show up, they are placing an undue burden and risk on their colleagues who do.” Chief, how dare you tell us we do not take our job seriously. We have and we do. But this institutional crisis has been ongoing for several years. The definition of an emergency is a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action. Your being new to our department may be the reason why you feel it’s an emergency, but again, for staff in the trenches who have been ignored these many years, it is a day in the life of line staff.
Guillermo, the hiring of more staff is not going to address the bleed out we are currently going through. It’s like placing a band aid on a chest that has been cracked open. And being condescending to your staff is not helping to bring us together. In fact, it is accomplishing just the opposite.
“Anyone who refuses to follow a direct order during this period of stabilization at our sites will receive a letter of insubordination, subjecting them to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or termination.”
If I can be candid Chief, that is the wrong way to approach your staff. This is not the voice of a leader but a bully. If any staff were to speak to a minor in our care in this way we’d be put on leave and investigated for abusive behavior. Not to mention this statement is in violation of the County Policy of Equity (CPOE). Just a reminder:
The County of Los Angeles Policy of Equity (CPOE) is intended to preserve the dignity and professionalism of the workplace as well as protect the right of employees to be free from discrimination, unlawful harassment, retaliation and inappropriate conduct toward others based on a protected status.
And asking us to rise to this challenge would have gone over much better if you had tried to get to know your staff and not assume the worst of us. You did not hold a town hall with your staff. You did not ask us how we would approach the problems we know and face daily. You have clearly drawn a line in the sand and made this an us versus them battle. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is not a solution.
You cannot order us to stop thinking for ourselves. This is not a kingdom or totalitarian regime. We have a right to ask questions and be heard and be given thoughtful responses. I don’t follow blindly. It’s concerning that threats are being thrown around willy nilly to try and intimidate us.
And while I applaud your “new” recruiting efforts they will not address the shortage we are in NOW. These efforts have been ongoing for at least three years. DPO IIIs? And where will that new staff come from? Promotions? So that means lowering the staff numbers or just playing a numbers game. That will not create more staff magically.
Oh, and the Safety and Security Specialists? Let’s see, non-sworn peace officers who carry a gun. Well, they will not be in the halls. They will be outside. So how will that help staff IN the institution? And your Youth and Engagement Support Team? Where are those staff coming from? Current hired county staff? Or are you yet to hire them? At this point there is no one hired and ready to show up TODAY.
I am certain that the return of pepper spray at Los Padrinos is not what the BOS had in mind when you took this position. I am sure they are not happy about this. I am happy to say that I applaud your acknowledgement that the youth in our care assault staff. However, I believe that the BOS will not support your decision, and this will begin the clock to your time with Probation.
Since we are having a staff shortage, making enemies with your staff is only ensuring that they look for employment elsewhere, or retire early. Which in the end is going to leave the department further understaffed. But maybe this was the plan all along. To have DYD take over not just our budget but our jobs well.
You sign off “In Solidarity” but that was not the tone and tenor of your email.
DPO Kirkman