Dear 2UrbanGirls,
It is going into the sixth month that Inglewood Police Chief Mark Fronterotta has been off the job after suffering a medical emergency in January.
He alleges he is too sick to perform his daily duties, but made an appearance, looking quite healthy I might add, at the swearing-in ceremony for District 1 Councilwoman Gloria Gray in April. I know because I was there.
It’s time for him to make a decision and either return to work or relieve Inglewood taxpayers from the burden of paying his full salary.
It is time to make Acting Chief Cardell Hurt the permanent police chief and allow him to rebuild the police department with leadership the personnel can be proud of.
I haven’t forgotten the bad press generated from Fonterotta’s personal car that gives off bad vibes to some members of the department. Selective outrage on the inside has one officer disciplined for vanity license plates while Fronterotta’s is ignored.
That’s not good for morale and Mayor Butts knows it.
Inglewood resident