Embattled Los Angeles City Councilmember Mark Ridley-Thomas is fighting back against allegations he is guilty of the 21 counts of public corruption levied at him by the federal government.
Newly filed documents indicate that Ridley-Thomas didn’t act alone in voting on motions highlighted in his indictment.
The indictment discusses a “Probation University” that was a topic of discussion between former USC Dean Marilyn Flynn and the former Chief Probation Officer, Terri McDonald, who assumed the role after departing the Sheriff’s department.
In the newly filed documents published on the court’s website, Ridley-Thomas alleges the Probation University was Janice Hahn’s idea. This appears to be corroborated by department insiders who shared the following.
“Janice Hahn has single-handedly chosen the last three Chief Probation Officers: McDonald, Ray Leyva, and Adolfo Gonzalez,” said the probation officer under condition of anonymity. “Gloria Molina also had issues with the department when she was on the Board of Supervisors. They have made our work environment unsafe.”