“I support Grace Yoo for City Council because she will bring honest leadership to City Hall…she has the experience to help Los Angeles thrive.” – Bernard Parks
Community leader, attorney, and former Los Angeles City Commissioner, Grace Yoo announced her run for Los Angeles City Council, District 10.
“Today is the first day of Spring, and we are 350 days from March 5, 2024. I am thankful for my supporters who braved the rain to join me this morning for my announcement as a Candidate for LA City Council District 10,” said Yoo. “We are eager to start the door-knocking and backyard gatherings all across the district to get more voters to know me. We will challenge the status quo and bring much-needed change to the district for the people.”

A room full of supporters turned out today for Yoo’s announcement including former LAPD Chief and L.A. City Councilmember Bernard Parks.
“I support Grace Yoo for City Council because she will bring honest leadership to City Hall. Grace will bring real solutions to homelessness and work to keep our communities safe. The residents trust her, her work has proven effective, and she has the experience to help Los Angeles thrive.”
Yoo was the runner-up in the 2020 election against now-disgraced Councilmember Mark Ridley-Thomas, is returning to voters in the District asking for their continued support in 2024 and reaffirming her commitment to making L.A. work better for the residents of District 10 and all who call Los Angels home by implementing the smart, common-sense solutions we need and putting the people of Los Angeles above the politics of City Hall.
“Grace Yoo has devoted her life to serving the people of Los Angeles from all walks and stages of life for over 30 years. She has always been about transparency, and accountability, and has always shown up for our community meetings”, said Roxana Brusso, a Mid-City Neighborhood activist. “Her word is her word. And as a Mid-City native, she understands what our community needs and deserves. Grace cares and her record shows it. Grace Yoo is who CD10 has been waiting for!”
That is NOT the Grace Yoo I know. There may have been a misunderstanding and lack of communications but I’m pretty sure what’s being asked was what you do with your life for a living rather than HOW you made a living or how you MADE the living. There’s a huge difference and always two sides to the story. People normally do ask those questions when they first meet. It’s like you’d be asking your friend what school you go to or what games do you play when you’re in the middle school or elementary school. Growns ups would be asking what do you do for a living.
Re: Grace Yoo announces candidacy for Los Angeles Council District 10
I question if you have the best interest of the African American community at heart. It will take more than having the endorsement of Bernard Parks to win the communities over. Here is a lesson for you, your campaign is dead in the water without the full support of the Latino and African-American communities. Word to you and your campaign manager, address the needs and wants of these two communities as you would do your own Korean community. This is the key to a successful campaign. We once met years at a Lincoln Heights community event. You were more interested how I made a living than inquiring about my personal activism. I found the line of questioning inappropriate, culturally insensitive, and refused to answer you.
You were culturally insensitive.