The new student trustee for the Compton Community College District (CCCD) is a Compton resident
Kendra Carnes, was appointed to represent the students at Compton College on the District Board through the remainder of the term concluding June 30, 2023. She took the oath of office at the CCCD Board of Trustees meeting on December 12, 2022.
As the student trustee, Carnes will attend all Board meetings, discuss student-related issues, and receive all materials presented to members of the CCCD Board of Trustees, except for closed-session issues. It is also the student trustee’s responsibility to make regular reports to the Associated Student Government (ASG) and at other public forums held on behalf of Compton College students as it relates to the business of the District.
“Serving as a student officer and trustee has helped me get more experience and further develop my leadership skills,” said Carnes. “I was not expecting to get involved when I first came to Compton College, but I’m glad I did! I’m dedicated to helping fellow students.”
Carnes has two major goals she would like to accomplish as a student trustee. “I’d like to explore different ways for Compton College to offer even more scholarships for its students, she said. “I would also like students to have more opportunities to complete paid internships, if possible. A lot of students need work and need the means to make money while in school.”
A non-traditional student, Carnes graduated from George Washington Preparatory High School in Los Angeles and enrolled at a community college. After landing a job with the Los Angeles Clippers and working for a while, she withdrew from the college. She says she has no regrets because she learned many different skills at her previous jobs that helped her grow. “However, no matter how much I worked or performed, the companies I worked for never gave me the pay I felt I deserved, so I went back to college to get my degree,” she said. “I felt unaccomplished, but I decided the best thing to do was to return to college so I don’t have this issue ever again.”
In spring 2022, Carnes enrolled in a business class at Compton College and then took another class the following summer. She realized she liked the instructors at Compton College and wanted to continue her higher education full-time, so she enrolled as a communications studies major. Her goal is to graduate with an associate degree and transfer to the University of Southern California or one of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). She visits the counselors in Compton College’s Transfer Center regularly to ensure she is on track to transfer to one of her top two university choices. She is on track to graduate from Compton College in December 2023 and transfer to a four-year university in spring 2024.
Carnes has worked in suites and events with the Anaheim Ducks, in group events and sports marketing for the Los Angeles Clippers, and served as the commissioner of athletics for Compton College’s Associated Student Government. She is interested in pursuing a future career in sports marketing and professional athlete marketing/representation.
“Compton College’s instructors are not easy, but they are understanding, she said. “I believe Compton College instructors really care about their students’ success more than I’ve experienced anywhere else.” All the student services and free resources offered also persuaded Carnes to enroll at Compton full time, such as a free meal each day at the campus cafeteria, a mobile food pantry and a weekly farmers market with $20 food vouchers for enrolled students, free parking, programs for gas cards and book vouchers, free WiFi hotspot and laptop computer loans, referrals to housing grants, and more.
During her time serving as the commissioner of athletics last year, she implemented some of the organizational processes she learned while working in the professional sports field. To be more efficient in serving the different student-athletes at Compton College, she recruited one student-athlete from each sport to be a liaison with ASG. Having a representative from each sport helps ASG know what is going on in Compton College Athletics and how to better serve student-athletes and their programs. “I care about Compton College’s athletes and what they want to achieve in their education and future careers.” She regularly visits different departments on campus to learn what resources are available so she can refer students and student-athletes to get the assistance they need but may not know about.
Carnes recommends that students who may not be familiar with all Compton College has to offer to explore the different student services offices and begin asking questions, as well as attend an Associated Student Government meeting. In addition, she has this expert tip, “I highly recommend that students take the human development class called ‘Strategies for Creating Success’ when they first enroll at Compton College. It is so informational and provides a great orientation about what is available on campus and how to be successful in college, she said. “My first year, I was unaware of this. I would have graduated a long time ago if I knew some of this when I first started.”
As student trustee, she is a great resource for helping make her fellow students’ voices heard. “If anyone sees me on campus, please come and ask me questions, said Carnes. “I am open to helping students and will share any needs or concerns with the Compton Community College District Board of Trustees.”