INGLEWOOD, Calif. – Inglewood taxpayers are on the hook for costs related to the 2021 special election to the tune of $1.8 million.
The County Registrar has submitted an invoice to the City Clerk’s office dated Nov. 21, 2022, for the special election held in Nov. 2021.
The City has made payment arrangements for the outstanding amount due which is $1,798,406.35.
The special election was called for Aug. 3, 2021, after the City declared a fiscal emergency. A few months prior the mayor declared the city’s finances were stable.
“Inglewood is fiscally solvent,” said Mayor James Butts, during the May 25, 2021, regular city council meeting.
The special election was held three months after the fiscal emergency was declared, asking voters to increase the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) from 14% to 15.5% which voters approved. The City estimated the increase would bring in additional revenue in the amount of $730,000.
Voters were also asked to increase the Real Estate Transfer tax as a way of “gifting” the City additional funds upon the sale of their homes. The City estimated passage of the measure, which created a sliding scale tax increase based on the home’s sale price, would generate an additional $3.5 million in revenue.
INGLEWOOD PUBLIC SAFETY/ESSENTIAL SERVICES. Shall the measure to maintain emergency response, paramedics, fire protection, public safety/health, address homelessness, ease traffic, provide general services by increasing the tax on sales of real estate to 4.5% on amounts over $10,000,000, 3.5% on amounts between $2,500,000.01-$10,000,000, 1.75% on amounts between $1,100,000.01-$2,500,000, keeping the existing 0.055% rate for sales under $1,100,000.01 providing $3,500,000 annually until ended by voters, with required public disclosure, audits, be adopted?
Related: Inglewood is raising taxes to pay for the Transit Connector (people mover) project
After residents discovered the money would be used in part towards the Inglewood Transit Connector project, the measure failed.
What else could the City have done with the $1.8 million this cost taxpayers?
1 Comment
Impressive isn’t it !
We have re-elected a man and the cowards who are proud to say that rather than stand up for their constituents and the own beliefs, the important thing is that they go along with their miniGod even when they know he is doing wrong !
We should all be impressed that they collectively and individually can lie to the public, greet residents with do nuts and shredding events while they destroy our community and then get re-elected.
If our lives were presented as a plot for a movie it would be rejected as unrealistic that the masses could be so gullible as to support the group of ego tripping destruction enablers.,
Anyone going to ask how on earth after a year of GODAWFULL traffic, pollution up the wazoo, restrictions on our having dinner guests after 5 pm because of parking issues, and the denial of our right to be in the same room where the elected casts votes that impact our future, how this brain trust could so mismanage all those supposedly big dollars recieved from the NFL that our city is on a payment plan for the cost of election services.?????????
Rather interesting isn’t it that this invoice was not sent until a year had past since service was performed and was coincidentally dated after the Election Day on which the Mayor and two of the councilmembers who voted to hold the special elections creating this bill were up for re-election. The general public was not aware of the dismal financial condition of the city of needing to make payment arrangements before casting their ballots NOVEMBER 8th! How many think that was a coincidence?