In today’s world where women are empowered to take their own decisions and their life into their own hands, they must use technology to secure themselves from any unwanted intruders. There are many apps online and which makes you wonder which app is best for girls safety? We have made a list of apps which if used regularly, ensures safety and security of women.
What Apps does a girl need?
Let’s look at some of the women safety apps which every girl needs:
- Noonlight: This is a recommended app which will help you in tricky situations where you are not sure how to seek help ASAP without being noticed. The app has a button enabled on an Android phone whereby you just need to press it and once you leave the button, the security feature will be activated and a call will be made to 911.
- SOS Alert: Like the name suggests, this app is particularly useful in SOS cases. The app traces your location and sends it to your emergency contacts. The app has a user-friendly interface and is easy to use especially in times of need.
- ICall: iCall is another useful app which is used to record calls on your phone. This call recorder app comes with a free trial version. It is one of the best for recording calls, as in cases where you want evidence when facing threats of any kind or when you simply want to take notes from your phone conversation, this app is going to come handy in all these cases. The call recorder app iPhone has been used by many Apple users all over the world. With an unlimited amount of storage you can now save almost all of your calls through the phone recorder Iphone, so that there is no chance of any call data being missing. The call recording app iCall is being widely used by females especially students to record their calls and then share them in case of any threats or misuse by fellows. The calls will help the police in identifying the culprit and arresting him with evidence being present.
- Sheroes: This is an app designed with the purpose to help females in finding employment opportunities, health tips, beauty advice, shopping partners etc. It’s basically like a social circle of friends ready to help each other at all times.
What are safe apps to use?
There are many apps which are particularly useful in saving ourselves and must be installed by all females in their phones to ensure maximum security in times of such distress and chaos.
- Sisters App: This application helps you in staying in touch with your female friends by sharing your location with them at all times and even send them a SOS call in case of any emergency. The friends can contact and even trace your location to save you from any bad experience.
- My Safetipin: It is a useful app that helps you save not just yourselves but others from going to dangerous locations. In this app, you have a feature to mark locations where you have felt threatened or have faced trouble of any kind. You can also evaluate and rate different areas of the city and assign them ratings which will make it easier for fellow citizens to understand which places should be avoided for their own security.
- Sekura: It is a four featured app which is particularly useful against street harassment. The four features are to take any call, ring a siren when needed, and call or text your emergency contact.
- Wandersafe safety app: This app is particularly useful if you are travelling in an area unknown to you as it helps in identifying and alerting if you enter any unsafe location.
- Truecaller: It is in simple words a global directory of phone numbers. The best part is it is maintained by users like us. Truecaller helps in identifying any unknown or spam call which you might have received.
- Toiletfinder: Have a bag urge to go to the toilet? Don’t worry about searching it from here to there, this app will guide you towards a nearby toilet through your location.
Final Thoughts
Now that you have scrolled through the article you might have even probably downloaded a few of the apps we have mentioned, you must have realised the importance of technology in our day to day lives. We cannot simply live without adopting these technological advancements which are designed to make our life easier and safe. Apps like iCall have been designed to ensure we can record all audio calls as evidence in case of any mishap or even for note taking or as a simple memory. Similarly, other apps like sekura and mysafetipin have been designed to keep us safe and ask for immediate help in case of any emergency.
Emilie St, John is a freelance journalist for