Between the racist LA Times and the Los Angeles Magazine they are hating on the appointment of a Black woman to the Los Angeles City Council as if they are the “standard” on what people of color want in their leaders. Heather Hutt is the leader we need an a glowing example of a Black woman who worked her way to where she is now.
The Times and LA Magazine claim the “process” was flawed and her appointment “stinks” and all they are pointing to is the attempt to drag out the process with the hopes of their boy Mark Ridley-Thomas being acquitted in November. Stalling that process would have benefitted those who financially benefit from him, not the voters who need a voice.
What stinks is their blatant racism.
What we (minorities) DON’T want is white folks continuing their reign of making decisions on who our representatives should be and who they deem fit to run our City. Everyone falls over for their endorsement for what? This is the same rag that ran that angry Black woman photo of Asm. Tina McKinnor when they endorsed her.
Look at the photo below closely of council chambers after Hutt was sworn in and you can see Marqueece Harris-Dawson fuming in the corner instead of congratulating Hutt. Remember he initially voted against Hutt then changed his mind days later because his loyalty is to MRT.
Yes, the Times is the oldest newspaper in the city’s history, however, their racism is rooted in its origin and if you happened to watch The Chandler’s and Their Times, that ran on PBS you would know it too, but you can’t because they removed it. If you want a link I have one.
Keep in mind this is the SAME paper who tried to thwart Pres. Richard Nixon’s appointment of Maria Banuelos as the nation’s treasurer. Banuelos is the founder of Ramona’s and the paper all but accused her of hiring illegal immigrants to work in her company while glossing over the fact she OWNED a bank! When Nixon threatened to investigate their writers, the Times backed off.
The daily cost of the Times print version has swelled to $3.66. When I was in high school and purchasing the paper on my way to school it was $0.50 and had more pages and information, particularly in the Metro section, than they do today.
So who is their intended audience because it surely isn’t the disenfranchised folks South of the 10. Shameless plug for our recurring column on
Their writers can only write on broad levels and don’t have the connections or wherewithal to have connections in the community they claim to speak on behalf of. They come from the USC Annenberg School or any school in the midwest who vie for an opportunity to write for their rag with the hopes of obtaining the Pulitzer. A policy wonk pointed out the horror of their Pulitzer Prize winner Steve Lopez being second fiddle on a byline to a relative nobody.
The Times is speaking the same language of the days of Sam Yorty and Roy P. Crocker who didn’t mind lending money to minorities as long as they didn’t take up residence in front of his downtown banks.
The Times is no longer the “golden standard” they believe they are and they should seriously stop with placating to “certain” Blacks and not others.
Heather Hutt has an exemplary resume and is more than qualified for the job. Hell, in my opinion she’s more qualified than their “boy” Mark Ridley-Thomas who was a school teacher before propelling to fame during the 92 riots. The Times endorsed him despite knowing he was headed for a federal indictment because of USC.
And because of Hutt’s qualifications the old guard is shaking in their boots.
As a writer it behooves me to subscribe to their online platform to read articles of interest to those South of the 10 and offer a rebuttal every chance we get. This is the same newspaper who hasn’t printed a single story on the lawsuit filed by the long-time Inglewood treasurer because Daddy Warbucks aka James T. Butts cut them a check for almost $300,000 for an online advertisement about the ‘Inglewood Renaissance’.
This paper has a problem with “some” Black leaders and Brown ones too like Sheriff Alex Villanueva. Did they forget the City was founded by Latinos and the first Governor of this state was a Black-Mexican named Pio Pico?
Leave Heather Hutt alone and let her do the job the COUNCIL voted for her to do!