Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority (Metro) continues to hold ribbon cutting ceremonies along the Crenshaw/LAX rail line that still doesn’t have an official opening date. Elected officials from around the state convened at the Sept. 10 ceremony with Mark Ridley-Thomas notably absent from the photos.

Ridley-Thomas was on the Metro board when the rail line was approved and has appeared at multiple ribbon cutting ceremonies except Saturday’s.
Instead, former Inglewood Councilman Curren Price was in attendance with many wondering if he was there to speak with Inglewood Mayor James T. Butts Jr. about a search warrant that showed up at City Hall in July that he and his wife are the focus.
The District Attorney’s office is seeking information related to medical premium reimbursements.
1 Comment
Amazingly sad that having become a California Assembly member, California State Senator (just after Mark Ridley-Thomas) and Los Angeles City Council Member all after Curren Price was an Inglewood Council member. ( In each of those elected positions he received a salary significantly greater than the average Inglewood resident. )
Curren chose to attempt to have his later-to- become -2nd- wife’s medical bills paid by Inglewood residents. Yes he was still married to the first wife.
Conflict of Interest Concepts in voting on projects which included contracts benefiting his wife are troubling. Curren did attend Stanford and Santa Clara University where he did study law, though he never became an attorney- he should know to do better.
Perhaps following in MRT’s musical chair political career was too much of a mental challenge….. not acknowledging a marriage to “play the field” with other women is one thing, getting tax-payers to pay bills for a not-yet-wife when one still has another wife is a bit over the top.
How is it men who we are trusting to make decisions of significant dollar amounts which are impacting thousands of people’s lives for years to come can’t keep track of who their wives are ? ?
Do they think they are so above the law that residents expect their elected to leave the concepts of ethics and mores forever in the farthest, most unreachable, and forgotten corner of their childhood training never to be a part of their adulthood?
Could it be these ribbon cuttings are less about public transit but more about photo opportunities for politicians who believe any publicity is good publicity especially during election season?