I love Inglewood. District 2 is my village and I’m grateful to be raising my children here. But in order for this community to thrive, we need new leadership committed to responsible growth that benefits the people who live here.
When I decided to run for Inglewood City Council D2 this summer, I knew I’d be going up against the incumbent, Alex Padilla. I knew he had run unopposed and had a career in law enforcement. What I didn’t know, but soon learned, is that he had already raised $240K for his campaign including donations from the gun industry, and has voted in near lockstep with Mayor Butts’ agenda to date.
I have some facts and some questions. The average amount raised for a city council seat campaign in a city the size of Inglewood is $8,000 to $12,000. So why did Padilla raise $240K from January to June 2022, before he even knew someone was running against him? What’s his plan for all that money? Because the truth is, anyone would be hard pressed to spend that much on a city council campaign. So unless he was planning on running for a different seat or passing the money on to a candidate in a different race, it really doesn’t make sense.
Which brings me to Padilla’s voting record as a council member. Rather than representing the people, thinking critically, and holding other politicians accountable, Padilla has faithfully supported Mayor Butts’ every move. All the while, Mayor Butts can’t seem to avoid scandal, lawsuits, and using the Inglewood Police Department as his personal enforcement team – all on taxpayers’ dime. At this point, I’m wondering how much longer Mayor Butts will be able to stay in office. And if or when the day comes when he resigns, guess who’ll be positioned to take his place? Is this really the team that’s going to make Inglewood a better place for all of us? Or is it a team that’s using their current positions to insulate themselves from accountability, and frankly, the foundations of the democratic process?
Mayor Butts and Padilla go back. They have both served in Los Angeles law enforcement for decades, and over the last 10 years have collaborated to hold power in Inglewood politics. And while law enforcement does a lot to protect our community, it is also undeniable that law enforcement, like so many institutions, is reckoning with issues of systemic prejudice, unfair allocation of resources, and downright corruption. Padilla and Butts may not be responsible for the whole system, but they’re a part of it.
Inglewood is facing systemic issues that have been ignored and exacerbated by the failure of this city’s leaders. Padilla may be ‘experienced,’ but is this the kind of experience we need? Inglewood needs folks in government who see the problems we all face, know them firsthand, and want to fix them as a result. Not folks who stand to profit off keeping the system broken. I’m running for Inglewood City Council because I’m raising children here. I care how they grow up. And I care about democracy, real democracy, because it’s the only way I know that things might actually change for the better.
Bobby Brown
Candidate | Inglewood City Council District 2
If i lived in district 2 i would vote for him! best of luck bobby!
The self-serving “my team” of the current James Butts /Alex Padilla/George Dotson/ Eloy Morales administration needs to be dismantled completely!
Each district’s voters need to take back their community from the jaws of the developers who are chomping away seeking to devour any of what is left of our community! (See urbanize LA then index Inglewood especially rezoning of LAX C line impacting districts 4 and district 3)
For those that don’t think there are ties between campaign donations and how our community is impacted….. consider how magically those monstrous flashing digital billboards with lights blaring into nearby living spaces all night every night impact our neighbors. Yes many residents had worked for years to limit the old style billboards constant advertisements distracting drivers and influencing all to buy alcohol or products not available in our community (ie movies).
The old fashioned visual pollution and eyesores were bad enough ….but now thanks to campaign contributions we are further insulted by the flashing digital variety courtesy of that donor WOW which magically was awarded contracts for up to twenty two of these within our 9 square mile city to shine their 24 hour energy guzzling advertisements while we are told to conserve energy!!!!!
It is time voters of Inglewood vote with “our community” and “our neighbors” interests in mind rather than to benefit those from elsewhere who seek profit at our expense!!!
You should be asking why the Alex Padilla, James Butts and (by pass along) George Dotson are receiving donations coming from companies headquartered in other states and in some cases other countries!!! This litmus test should make us think hard and question if the 24 hour casino was supposed to bring us so much financial benefit as was the glorious “8th wonder of the world” stadium why is the city in financial disarray and are parents having to pay fees for their children to participate in youth activities. Why are we asked pay extra to finance the monorail for the billionaires to benefit ?
LET US NEVER FORGET Resident voices should have NEVER been silenced !
When James Butts changed council meeting times, limited speakers to one minute, interrupted those he did not like, and insulted those he disagreed with Alex Padilla’s silence implied consent. Then when Alex voted in agreement to sue a resident for using images from actual council meetings and when the city lost that lawsuit, he voted to fight the judges declaration the City pay both attorney fees for this irrational lawsuit, HE SHOWED US he believes the Constitution based Democracy (like Miranda Warnings in Santa Monica) need not apply to residents in Inglewood.
Isn’t it time we tell outsiders we will not vote for their selected and we will vote as if our homes and our neighbor’s home depended on our vote?
Here’s a thought if the developers and other campaign (community destroyers) donors are so fond of their selected perhaps they should buy them houses in their neighborhoods to achieve residency status and then work to elect them there!
Let’s tell the BUTT TEAM enough is enough our community deserves to be heard, our community deserves to be treated with respect ! We no longer want to be the subjects of an ego driven wanna-be-God and his devoted bobble-heads.
I, too, hope he wins.
I hope Brown wins. Someone also needs to displace Councilman Dotson. He only seems to attend events, parties and chili cook offs. I’ve watched the city council meetings and he never addresses any issues in his district, nor does he ever question the Mayor. He seems to be just a rubber stamp for Butts. Time for him go! Get someone strong/serious and for the community in that seat.
He’s running against Alex Padilla.