Dear 2UrbanGirls,
Hi I Don’t know if this might be relevant I live in OC and every day I see this person driving city of Inglewood vehicles on the 91 fwy. In other words why are taxpayers picking up the tab for this individual to be using these vehicles as his private vehicle to commute from his house to Inglewood and on top of that driving by himself in the carpool lane even though he’s by himself all the time and in the video he’s also talking on the phone. He thinks he’s above the law just because he works for the city? For less than that anybody else would get a ticket up to $500.00 dollars.
This was today. I have seen the same guy for nearly 2 years doing this.
Keen observer

Lol, research inglewood school district, the superintendent takes a district car home each day, and runs personal errands …oh wait isn’t the district in receivership? Short on cash? Bond taking our monies?
Perhaps the city could also explain to us why some residents are receiving tickets in front of their homes even though they signed up for a parking permit. They are removed only when one calls in, but imagine the inconvenience of having to make multiple calls to parking enforcement just for leaving your car in front of your house.
The City recently changed the times for street sweeping from 8am-3pm to 7am-1pm. They still waiting to get the signs though. Just like we still waiting on the signage for the permit parking program and football season starts next weekend.
Our car, our insurance = our dollars . Well, perhaps we should be thrilled the driver so far has not caused an traffic collision injuring others as has the mayor !
While this MAY or MAY NOT be a low emission vehicle, certainly not using hands free technology for a cell phone conversation suggests this driver is putting others at risk!
Unfortunately given the lack of transparency, perhaps there have already been other accidents with city owned cars while being used for non city business..Is it possible those “no case identified” invoices for Attorney fees are for an or several auto accident(s) of employees other than Butts, we haven’t been told about? We deserve to know what our dollars are paying for! Yes we all know accidents happen and would handle truth much better what seems to be a coverup.
We know at least once, one of our Police Cars was driven home all the way to Saugus where the officer took his child (a minor ) to school the day of the school shooting. That makes at least 3 times 3 city cars were used not within city limits and perhaps there are more….back to the video..
The letter to the editor told us they were driving on the 91 (Artesia ) Freeway and the video shows the Ca Interstate 57 (Orange) Highway sign which means they were near Anaheim,—oh the discussion options in that observation ..
Let’s imagine the freeway drivers have at least a semi-conscious-awareness of the significance of 168 foot reproduction of Independence Hall at Knott’s Berry Farm. There each day the Steeple inspires us to consider how privileged each of us are today that our nations Founding Fathers debated and discussed the risks and the challenges of Declaring Independence rather than remaining subjects of the English King. They pledged their lives, fortune and sacred honor to establish a new nation.
Yes each day Knott’s guests are able to listen in on the discussion/debate re what it took to gain agreement from each of the colony representatives and then they went on to craft, and approve the Constitution establishing our democracy. Yes they knew it was incomplete and had flaws and by the next year created the Bill of Rights, together these documents did establish the concept of a representational government with freedom of speech, the right to assemble, freedom of faith, etc etc, the foundation that much later in 1920, by amendment gave even women the right to vote.
Wow imagine seeing that daily reminder that “of, by, and for the people” is an essential part of democracy on the way home from work in Inglewood, where residents are routinely insulted by the Mayor/Council members and where the elected Treasurer was locked out of her office.
The Mayor’s Facebook response to this video reflects his consistent attitude- rather than transparency and accountability re tax dollars he attacks and attempts to belittle the observers.
Perhaps there is a reasonable explanation that this or another employee needs a city car but attacking the person who posted the video and/or those who ask questions is not a reasonable response. We deserve better.
Yes it would have been far too easy to bring that other “91 & 57 close” family area to mind and compare/contrast stories of Pinocchio- lying has consequences, PeterPan we all need to grow up… Yes way to easy – – come on sing along you know the words scattered among the “yo ho yo ho”s they pillage and plunder, extort and pilfer, yo ho yo ho maraud, and embezzle …hmmm ..these are not desirable character qualities no matter the catchy tune….perhaps some missed that memo? Or here is a quick and easy concept – did you notice being enamored with ones own image and seeking praise was the visual definition of the EVIL Queen?