LOS ANGELES – An LA Superior Court judge rejected the request by Central Basin Water District to dismiss a Civil Rights Act violation lawsuit filed by one of its elected officials.
Water Board Director Leticia Vasquez Wilson filed a lawsuit alleging multiple violations of California Civil Rights statute known as The Bane Act. The allegations made against Central Basin Water District General Manager Alejandro Rojas among others highlight a pattern and practice of unlawful conduct at the agency.
The lawsuit moves forward on the following charges:
- Denial free speech during public portion of board meetings
- Denial of free speech by illegal manipulation of the consent agenda
- Denial of right as board member to place items on the agenda
- Illegal deactivation of official central basin e-mail account
- Concealing five lawsuits against Central Basin
- Illegal giveaway of parts of the Central Basin service area
- Illegal denial of compensation without statutory 2/3 vote
- Denial of right to participate in general manager evaluation
- Illegal refusal by the general manager to provide requested documents and refusal to meet with Director to discuss Central Basin business affairs
- Director Robert Apodaca assault and battery and intimidation to stop free speech
- Illegal withholding of documents and information
- Illegal refusal to disclose the identity of a buyer of central basins headquarters building
Speaking on the outcome of today’s hearing, Vasquez Wilson said, ” it’s a substantial legal victory for democracy.”
She added, “The voters of the Central Basin Water District Div. 1 are being disenfranchised and this lawsuit seeks to ensure their vote and their voice is heard.”
1 Comment
Sounds like residents of Inglewood need to hire that attorney for a class action lawsuit against the Inglewood City council. Items 1, 5, and 11 are standard op for the BUTTS REGIME. Of course there is also the added intimidation, belittling, and discounting of those who ask questions.