Your first-time waxing clients may need some suggestions when you ask them to wear loose clothes for their appointment. Here are some ideas for them.
As a waxing esthetician, it’s part of your job to ensure that new clients are ready for their first waxing appointment. Many first-time waxers are nervous and need extra guidance to help them get through the experience and there are a lot of post-wax care tips you can give them. One specific area where they may need extra guidance is in knowing what clothing to wear. While many estheticians have repeated the idea of “loose, comfortable clothing” to every client they have, first-timers may need more specific examples. Keep reading to learn about three clothing suggestions you can give waxing clients.
Loose Tops
Depending on the season of the waxing appointment, your client may want to come in anything from a tank top to a sweater. Take the weather and the season into consideration when offering clothing suggestions but remind them that if they want to avoid a potential skin infection, they need to opt for something loose. During hot months, suggest loose cotton shirts. If they’re getting their underarms waxed, suggest a sleeveless top, so they don’t have to worry about any cloth touching under their arms.
When it’s cold out, suggest an oversized, loose sweatshirt or sweater so they can stay comfortable outside, but their skin has plenty of room to breathe underneath. For changing seasons like fall and spring, suggest a loose top with an equally loose cardigan that will give them the protective layers they need without irritating their skin.
Loose Bottoms
Your client’s bottoms will also depend on the season and weather. If you’re waxing their legs in the winter, suggest loose bottoms like sweatpants or a thick skirt. Skirts will allow the skin to breathe better, but they won’t keep your client as warm either, so leave the choice up to them. Most importantly, remind them not to wear skinny jeans or leggings. They may want to because of the weather, but it won’t be safe for them to put on after the appointment.
During warmer months, suggest loose cotton shorts or a loose, light skirt. If you’re waxing their legs, the shorter the shorts or skirt, the better, so the least amount of cloth is touching their skin, but the length of the bottoms will depend on what they feel comfortable in. Long, loose skirts are typically best when you’re in transitional seasons like fall and spring since they protect legs from the elements but aren’t tight against the skin.
Loose One-Pieces
One-piece items like jumpsuits and dresses aren’t the best choice for waxing appointments, depending on what part of the body you’re waxing. For example, if you’re doing a bikini wax on someone in a dress, they’ll either need to completely undress or tie the dress out of the way. Share that information with them before the appointment so they can make the best decision for their waxing needs. If they still decide to show up in a one-piece, suggest something loose, such as a light cotton maxi dress or a wide-leg romper.
The three clothing suggestions you can give waxing clients are loose shirts, loose bottoms, and loose one-pieces that are seasonally appropriate, such as the sleeveless top or long loose skirt we mentioned. Offering these specific suggestions will allow first-time waxing clients to understand better what they need to wear and how they need to prepare for their waxing appointments.