INGLEWOOD – Nomination period for upcoming Inglewood elections has officially opened.
Nomination period runs from July 18 through August 12. In the event any of the three incumbents: James Butts, George Dotson and/or Alex Padilla do not return their nomination forms then the nomination period will be extended an additional five calendar days.
Should such an announcement need to be made it will occur the week of the August 8. Past local elections both Ralph Franklin and Yvonne Horton waited until the last day of nomination period to not return their forms thus ushering in Aisha Thompson, Dionne Faulk and Brandon Myers with no challengers.
2UrbanGirls believes the most important seat on the ballot, aside from the mayor, is District 1 currently represented by George Dotson.
To be honest, if you watch the weekly council meetings Dotson appears in a visible fog and must read from prepared notes when giving remarks. He is consistently silent on crucial issues in the community and before him on the weekly agenda so the conversation is dominated by the other four.
In cities like Carson and Compton incumbents ran what appeared to be “sham” campaigns, backed by endless endorsements, only to leave the position either the day after they were sworn in or shortly thereafter.
The cities benefited because Carson got to hand select their city clerk, and Compton Mayor Emma Sharif got a new city attorney and council member after their predecessor’s resigned after being elected.
It’s the easiest way to control the outcome of the election.
If you wish to make an appointment to pick up nomination forms from the City Clerk’s office call 310-412-5280.