Dear 2UrbanGirls,
Isn’t Metro’s court fight against the Sheriff a revelation, so to speak about the current power struggle between Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva and an old system of belief and philosophy that politicians, especially those of color will profit themselves and family members even at the expense of creating chaos and rendering Los Angeles a lawless and ungovernable municipality?
Well that’s what they did and you have to appreciate the irony of a board steadfast in getting rid of Sheriff Villanueva because he wouldn’t be complicit in their decades old noted corruption, and just might fall victim to the same person they are looking to sacrifice.
Please don’t believe the hype, these search warrants against Metro and its Inspector General stinks, and should be considered as to why the Board is working overtime to have Sheriff Villanueva removed from office.
The IG handsomely benefits because he appears to be a better investigator going after the “big bad” Sheriff, instead of resting his laurels on bringing down the city of Bell after a blogger exhaustively covered it before The (LA) Times caught on.
Maxx Huntsman is clearly bought and paid for and this body along with the former Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Mark Ridley-Thomas, not only screams federal indictment but is an assured conviction.
Question is how many will he bring down with him?
With that being said I ask that not only Alex Villanueva investigate the fraud that’s clearly within the Metro board, but to exert his rights to investigate COVID-19 fund fraud scandals being played by local and county municipalities.
Where is the rent relief??? A judge ruled they HAVE to give it out and stop denying it to people.
The BOS opened an investigation into all contracts tied to Ridley-Thomas after the indictments were announced, with Mitchell making a friendly amendment to investigate all contracts not just ones tied to him. The indictment suggests two other top ranking County officials were present with a meeting between Flynn and MRT and I’m curious if their initials are SK and HS.
Them voting in favor of his contracts, while their friends get contracts at Metro and so forth, isn’t so much of a reach anymore is it?
A Los Angeles city councilman also eluded to the alleged fraud in the Board of Supervisors going further than MRT when he didn’t support him being removed from the Los Angeles city council and gave this interview saying he wasn’t making all the motions on the contracts.
“He’s being prosecuted for giving out contracts that every other member of the Board of Supervisors voted for. And in some cases, he wasn’t even the maker of the motion.”
LA City Hall politically kicked Mark Ridley-Thomas into suspension, says Marqueece Harris-Dawson
If the Sheriff is seeking records going back to 2014, that would encompass Kuehl, Solis, and MRT’s tenure on the board, along with the two who termed out, and their presumably voting in favor of the abuse hotline contract awarded to Kuehl’s campaign donor Patti Giggans non profit while serving on Metro’s board. Contract renewals were given under new board members.
In short, the Sheriff is charged with investigating fraud, waste, and abuse, and it appears the entire board of supervisors, past and present, know far more than what we are being told and it’s no coincidence a new member is joining who shares the same last name of a previous board member.
I’ll double back on the board’s “about face” on building a new jail and the connection between some of the main cheerleaders now being elected to local office with their support and that $1.5 million settlement the former LA County CEO walked away with for saying the Sheriff was mean to her.
The word “racketeering” comes to mind.
The board doesn’t want the Sheriff remaining independent otherwise they could wind up fighting a federal case against the United States themselves.
Inglewood resident
Read the Peace over Violence contract here.
1 Comment
Absolutely Mr. McCoy!!!
Where do they get the money for the pretty campaign mailers and who do they give our money to once they are elected . These are two of the most important questions about any elected’s career.
The Sheriff is elected to be THE independent office with power to investigate those elected to public office ….it is that need to NOT BE THREATENED with losing his job because he chooses not to look the other way which must be maintained.
NO ONE , NO NOT EVEN THOSE ELECTED should feel they are above the law! !
Those who are elected should not be able to end a career because an independent law enforcement elected sees the possibility of corruption and decides to investigate!
That the public is unaware because newspapers are not able or are unwilling to report due to threat or that the new era of television “journalists” are only focused on who is dating who or what the latest fashion trend will be or what the latest with billionaire sports empires is a tragedy and a real threat to our democracy.
Pay-to-play politics, over-price unnecessary friends and family non-competitive contracts, high-salary jobs created for friend and family along with the cover-up of illegal behaviors should NEVER be accepted or protected by fellow elected(s).
Think it doesn’t happen? Please get the new book Bad City or read on line Los Cerritos News!!
See how many of the names in those writings you know or have provided a lifetime of handsome lifestyles to.
Vote as if every dollar the electeds spend came out of your pocket and that if spent unwisely means you do without not just your money but by the erosion of service.
Genuine Transparency and Accountability are important, !!
There was a time, that public records were not voted into the paper shredders. Just voting for that should make certain those five never receive another vote for their re-election.