LYNWOOD – The City of Lynwood has received notification that it will be eligible for over $5 million in state funding to clean up three adjacent pieces of land in the city—which will be used for economic development bringing jobs and retail to our city.
The City applied to the California Department of Toxic Substance Control’s (DTSC’s) Office of Brownfield to investigate environmental damage and clean up land in the Alameda Triangle and on Long Beach Boulevard. The Equitable Community Revitalization Grant (ECRG) programs are an unprecedented opportunity to address the historically disproportionate impacts to communities and to revitalize land for public benefit.
The initial planning will begin this summer to identify what needs to be done to bring the land—which once housed industrial factories in the city—up to an environmental standard that will allow commercial development on it.
“This is fantastic news,” said Mayor Jorge Casanova. “We are talking about nearly eight acres of desirable land for commercial development that can help improve our local economy and give our residents access to retail, restaurants, and other shopping.”
City officials, who had to work with both the DTSC and the Regional Water Board in order to secure the funding, believe the actual remediation work to improve the land can begin later this fall.