Hello Again-
Here we go again- It seems more people are jumping ship. I recently received the following letter attached.
It seems the CBO Mr. Guzman is now running as well !!!! To make matters worse other positions recently left as well, HR Risk Management Ms. Tiffany and also the Chief Operating person. Were these people run out? Where are they running? Are they just as sick and tired, as I am, of incompetent leaders??
Newsflash- The Superintendent, Dr. Torres, or maybe should be Dr. “I’m missing” has not been at work for at least 1 month??? What is going on??
With a salary of 250k a year, probably sitting at home running other businesses, who wouldnt want to take the job. And dont forget, lets close schools and sell Inglewood residents school land. This is unbelieveable, please inquire and find more facts, the residents of Inglewood deserve a superintendent that “really” cares and is at work. I pray change soon will come with competent people.
**Rumor is the LACOE team, especially the Cunha guy, it seems he is now the leader, how is that possible, he is not an IUSD employee????? The guy running HR is doing progressive discipline, how is that possible? He is NOT an IUSD employee !!!!
Thank you for the work you do publishing corruption and informing people.
IUSD insider
I have worked for IUSD for 20 plus years. I am a classified employee and always try to do my job. But it is hard to do your job when your fearless leader is never at work, but you better not call out, if you do you get blasted and harrassed. It is pityfull on what goes on, i wish i could work from home, i guess hush money is the small so called raise we will get? Ya better wake up ….. they dont care, its hush money. …. #gotleader?
Do the same rules apply to all employees of IUSD and Lacoe employees in the district (for example: work attendance, work hours)?
What is the actual plan for the Old Daniel Freeman/New Warren Lane Elementary School property once the school is closed?
They haven’t publicly announced any plans yet.
Did any one hear the Board meeting yesterday (5/25) ?? Our schools suck, the same pitch of change, academics below par, older than dirt, not well ventilated areas, and now we also have to worry about the safety of our student. What happened to the police department? I don’t think anyone feels safe with only one officer? As residents of Inglewood I asked everyone to unite, listen to the agenda, most importantly to the comments of the public, there are too many things hidden from us, if they prevail it is due to your ignorance of the process, please do not let this happen to our children.
This all a bunch of bull, all the new people come and go, rob us and leave us with nothing. How many superintendents have we had? Time for her and all the new people to go. As the writer said, lets pray we get good people to come our way. Warren Lane is a landmark for our community, these fools woldnt know it, they are not from this community.