INGLEWOOD – Inglewood Mayor James T. Butts Jr. has commandeered City Hall for the exclusive use of his political candidates of choice which could explain the tight restrictions in place to keep the public out.
The council continues to extend AB 361 guidelines restricting access to City Hall by appointment only. Security guards stationed at the entrance will deny the public access, who don’t have an appointment, unless they are going to the Finance Department.
During the May 19, 2020, regular city council meeting, the council voted unanimously to create the Housing Protection Department which included amending the budget to transfer $1.3 million to the department for improvements to the 7th Floor to house the staff.
According to the City’s website, the Housing Protection Department is located on the 6th Floor, and Political Reporting Plus, who serves as Butts’ campaign treasurer. Political Reporting Plus serves as campaign treasurer for political candidates and independent expenditure (IE) committees.

This rouse was discovered when Robert Pullen-Miles, who is campaigning for assembly, sent out a mass email to residents with City Hall’s address on it, out of Suite 700.

2UrbanGirls caught up to Pullen-Miles at a rally for Warren Lane last Friday and we asked him about it.
“Well you know….I didn’t do it but you know who did,” said Pullen-Miles.
Based on the difference in addresses on what the official campaign sends out against the one about where Tina’s funding, is coming from, tells me a city controlled independent expenditure is being operated out of city hall.
The optics don’t look good Jimmy.
Tina might be short on answers, but we don’t need a candidate controlled by Mayor Butts or ones who appear to be abusing the taxpayers resources.

Okay let’s simplify:
The campaign consults are renting/leasing/borrowing office in the Public Taxpayer Built City Hall
where the Housing protection office was supposed to be.
The City Council Must vote for all rental leases in the City Hall Building and all Inglewood owned property.
The consultant client list includes Inglewood Candidates James BUTTS, George DOTSON, and Alex PADILLA .
How do you spell CONFLICT OF INTEREST …🎶. J a m. e s T. B u t t s. 🎶
They moved into city hall? Lot of bad political apples with that outfit for years. Publish the client list.
Impressive…. James Butts and Company opted to allow a campaign office in OUR BUILDING while WE ARE NOT ALLOWED IN IT for PUBLIC MEETINGS. Let that sink in.
Essentially the BUTTS TEAM has the joys of only permitting appointments with those they favor who may conveniently have the opportunity to stop in and make contributions for favored candidates all in the same location. Wow are they going to claim that was done in the name of green house gas elimination?
Yep most would conclude that is another misuse of public property completely which is NOT APPROPRIATE !!
Let’s pray residents realize this Narcissistic Person does not use OUR MONEY or OUR PROPERTY for our benefit but rather for his own wishes.
IT IS TIME to end the self serving behavior which is costing us all so very much. His dreams should come at his own expense not ours.
Is the former aid to Autumn Burke (who left us WITHOUT REPRESENTATION TO PERSUE HER FINANCIAL GOAL), with the self proclaimed 24 YEARS OF PUBLIC SERVICE Robert Pullen-Miles apparently so entwined with the Butts camp he can not see how wrong this is? OR is he another go along with Jimmy sort who thinks residents (voters) are just pawns to be used in the musical elected chair game?
Perhaps these candidates will claim they didn’t know it was offensive or perhaps they are just banking that we are completely dumbstruck with the notion of using OUR ADDRESS for their FUNDRAISING believing we will cast our vote for whoever sends the most mailers.
This is an insult none of us should tolerate.