Inglewood Unified students scored a huge victory with the announcement the Los Angeles Rams, Chargers and Nike are refurbishing Coleman Field which is adjacent to the district’s office.
“An investment from the NFL, Rams, Chargers, and Nike aggregates to $3.5 million for the renovation of the field, and the renovation will bring locker room facilities and become a total sports complex,” said Mayor Butts.
“We have partners that want to invest and the thing i say ‘are you invested in the school district’ and people are stepping up,” continued Butts.
In collaboration with @Nike, @RamsNFL and the @chargers our Caroline Coleman Stadium will be refurbished, giving our student athletes access to state-of-the-art facilities! #WeAreInglewoodUnified
— Inglewood Unified School District (@INGUSD) February 15, 2022
So the Rams, the Chargers, and Nike want to help the school district ?
Wouldn’t it be wiser to spend the money paying off the state loan so our school property is not sold?
Or perhaps rather than focusing only on the football program these Billion dollar companies could better serve the entire Inglewood Unified Student Population with tutoring centers or library materials.
The residents of this community have already spent over $4 million in bond funds on the rubberized tracks at Coleman Stadium and Morningside which the district fails to maintain.
Our bond dollars were spent building 3 brand new gymnasiums at the k-8 schools, 2 tracks, and refurbished the Morningside swimming pool…..Contractors and Consultants have been handsomely rewarded…..
Yes Coleman Stadium is dismal -the visitor bleachers appear in great need of repair/replacement and a do discover visiting teams no longer share the locker room and are expected to ready themselves in their buses is unimaginable, and worse yet that to horrid beyond belief port a potties were replaced by a “portable unit” conversion into bathrooms…..rather building a brick and mortar facility is unforgivable.
But hell’s bells it was the pathetic state of the Morningside field that caused a visiting team coach to say oh no not risking my team members getting an injury playing at that unkept field.
Unfortunately it seems the concept that schools are for education has been lost.
Let’s recap Inglewood voters chose to tax property owners (many senior-fixed-income-homeowners) for School Bonds three different times.
The first modernization bond was Measure K for $ 131 million. We were assured that the $ 131million total would make all the dreams of the educators come true ….. But surprise the consultants encouraged the district board members to apply for matching funds which were granted and all those $262 million dollars were spent with no accountability.
The School board members placed Measure GG on the ballot for an additional $90 million which would “complete” the projects, and having not paid attention to the lack of accountability of the first $ 262 million voters agreed that property owners should provide even more money to the careless school board members.
More recently Measure I for $240 Million once again was passed by voters to tax property owners (Questionable tactics re this can be discovered on the Los Cerritos MegaTaxer website)
Inglewood Unified has suffered from other than student achievement oriented leadership.
Many students are leaving Inglewood Unified for schools which have no sports programs while the most recent Inglewood leaders seem to have a bad case of “sports are the only priority” mentality.
Property owners will be paying for the $131 million + $90 million + $240 million dollar bonds plus interest for decades even as Torres sells off our valuable property……..perhaps focusing on education rather than sports might have helped in retaining the students now enrolled elsewhere.
What had been a thriving first class School District serving 32,000 students currently has an enrollment of roughly 7,000 .
You are absolutely correct. We have agreed to bectaxed and taxed and taxed for an improved school system. And now Torres, with her 200k salary, says to save huge schools they need to close some down. Incompetent and dishonest!