Dear 2UrbanGirls,
Whatever Inglewood is selling , I’m sold !!!!
Maybe it’s me but didn’t the District 4 Town Hall feel more like a sales pitch than a City Town Hall meeting? I heard at least 20 Major “Corporate Brands” mentioned at the Town Hall meeting and no tangible, verifiable return to Inglewood residents.
Youtube, Sofi , Ballmer and yet the taxpayer’s are being taxed to death.
Look I understand change is inevitable but the “wholesaling” of a community is criminal, and the audacity of the Mayor and city council, along with vested community members to ask the residents to vote to raise taxes when they are withholding $31 million dollars from the community at large?
Related: Inglewood’s fiscal emergency ignored a $31 million stimulus check
Where are the fucking adults in the room?
How many times do we continue to make excuses for the Mayor and Council? Inglewood voter’s I beg of you to reject this tax measure on the November 2, 2021.
Paying to park in front of your own home while enforcement of non permit holders doesn’t begin until October 1. Increased taxes. Increased legal fees and payouts because of Mayor Butts. Annual trash fee increases. Upcoming water rate increases from the wholesaler seeking to build a desalination plant. Increased police fees related to entertainment and sports venues. School bonds for a failing, subpar school district. Rezoning of single family homes to force residents out.
Please notice the trend . They are bleeding this community to death
I love this City but what the Mayor and Council is doing is criminal.
Oh. And did you know the Mayor told a select audience the Clippers arena is approved and construction is about to begin? Why wasn’t this information provided to us during Faulk’s Town Hall when it directly impacts her district? Their own report says they don’t have enough parking and there is no mention of the additional stress on emergency services with this project. Is the rezoning a way to reduce single family homes to make way for parking?
More importantly, if the deal is “officially sealed”, where’s the money from the sale of the land?
Marvin McCoy
I have been a property owner for 54yrs and never, never, have I seen such à hunger for money that Butt!’s and his council persons are doing!! We have stores, food places, forum, sci-fi Clipppers on their way, stimulus money. parking , hospital Street.TV. where is all the taxes collected from all of the above??
We can’t compare Hawthorne or any cities ln southern California with all the taxes that Inglewood is receiving!! Basket Ball, Baseball and the Forum, etc!!
Sooooo, why are the residents of Inglewood not be compensated instead of being taxed???
Mrs Emma J Lathern
Yes Marvin you are sold as am I and our neighbors all without our permission.
Just like years ago uprooted, as if our attachments don’t matter. Like then we are soon to be sent far away from our homes to start a new life so others can have the land to build the “complexes” to pack others in like sardines or in our case cargo to make a greater fortune at the expense of others.
The falsehood that we made or even had a a choice when our quality of life is being destroyed right before our eyes is among the most revolting of sales pitches. No one got to vote for the stadium but the selected puppets sitting in the city council chairs
From the ripping out of the clean air generators (tree canopy), the massive import of carcinogen creators (traffic), the elimination of parking from 7am to 10 pm in front of businesses when events being at 7 pm to the concept that Inglewood residents and homeowners should pay taxes to cover infrastructure improvements for the billionaire guests is insulting
Cute of you to ask where are the tangible benefits to the community are?. I can hear the chuckles around caviar and champagne table Are those belly laughs about the foolish selected small business owners who had the photo ops with the dictator only to find out they were the first to have their buildings demolished.
Yep we are being sold whole lot of #&*#,!
Let’s Keep our small businesses here and and all our homes low density. We deserve the same right to single family homes as in other neighborhood!
Tell these elected No to NEW TAXES, NO to RE-ELECTION ., and NO WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED
I’m sold on that ‘No.’. Mayor Butts, pay your own way out of your mess.