I enjoy your informative posts and reporting on the issues impacting SoCal. Your knowledge and access to city documents are what make journalism great. You provide honest and investigative reporting that I rarely see in other Black publications in SoCal. Probably because many are PR machines rather than balanced and unbiased reporting.
Keep up the honest reporting.
To coincide with your reporting on Compton and its operations, I wanted to know if you and the people of Compton were aware of a 2020 federal audit report of the City of Compton’s use of Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) 1 and 3 funding. The HUD Office of Inspector General conducted the review a few years ago and found serious issues with how the City reports its activities and still had program left to use unlike other Cities of this Obama era program. You can view the report at https://www.hudoig.gov/sites/default/files/2020-10/2021-LA-1001.pdf.
You can also find another report on the Housing Authority of the City of Compton at https://www.hudoig.gov/sites/default/files/2019-07/2019-LA-1008.pdf.
Both are interesting reads and show a pattern that you report about Compton.
Bon appetit and continue reporting. Whether people like it or not.
Compton watchdog