Inglewood Finance Director David Esparza will present the city council with the 2020-2021 budget which includes a projected $9.8 million revenue shortfall. Esparza expects to shore up the gap with funds from the city’s reserves. According to Mayor James T. Butts the reserve fund balance was $54 million at the close of FY 2018-2019, however, the residents have no idea what the actual balance is as of today.
City Manager Artie Fields continues to collect his taxpayer compensation, which totaled $531,816.27 in 2019, despite his not being required to sign staff reports. Most notably, his signature was forged on this years budget and the Clippers Disposition & Development Agreement. What exactly are Inglewood residents paying Fields to do?
The city will enter into a three year consulting agreement, with HF&H Consultants LLC, for no more than $243,000, to monitor negotiations with the trash hauler.
Fields will finalize Ordinance NO. 20-16 to remove a significant portion of Treasurer Wanda Brown’s duties to Mayor Butts.
A Public Hearing will be set for October 6th to establish regulations for Short-Term Rentals.
Finally, the city will approve an emergency order, suspending parking requirements, in order to allow Hollywood Park Casino to use their parking garage and/or lot as an outdoor casino.