Dear 2UrbanGirls,
Inglewood city employees are under attack. Â Yesterday the city issued employees a “COVID-19 Manual” that includes dictating that we wear city issued masks, and not our own personal face coverings which is doable.
Where the city of Inglewood is crossing the line is mandating that all employees submit to mandatory COVID-19 testing every two weeks in an email we received today.
There has been no changes to our employment agreements, no communication from the SEIU 721 union rep Kevin Monk, and this “directive” far exceeds the regular new-hire protocol of employees submitting to a physical before employment can be offered.
Employees are urged to contact Monk at 213-458-4171 to ensure our rights are not being violated. Â We are all under an extreme amount of pressure to do what Cortes says or Mayor Butts will have him fire us. Â Other cities aren’t requiring this of their employees so what gives Jose Cortes to dictate this?
It is well-known that Black people are concerned about submitting DNA in some modern day bi- Experiment and is also reported a vaccine can’t be created without Black folks cooperating.
Related: Â A COVID-19 vaccine will work only if trials include Black participants, experts say
We are fed up with the bullying and hostile environment we work in and the threat of loosing our job. Â Please help.
Inglewood employees
You’ll read my sources in the conclusion of my comment IN ALL CAPS! ?…this is half the problem with “us” …we don’t like to slow down & read or research we always want things to fall in our lap … that’s why we are always easily targeted by “them” ?
a job, free PPE, and testing… what’s the problem?
where is this website run? it is June 25, 8:55pm in Inglewood, CA
I guess you are saying don’t take the test?? ..if so good for you… someone actually awaken in these comments …!
Which test ?? The contaminated one or the false positive one?? or the one that is actually laced with the virus??…naw you take the test…
@2urbangirls it seems like some employees talk out both sides of their neck and are always looking for something to complain about.
First, it was the City of Inglewood isn’t taking COVID-19 seriously (which it was!) Now, it’s we have to be tested twice a month and wear a city issued mask.
Mayor Butts just can’t win!!!
The employees who are complaining should be thankful to have a job with unemployment numbers as high as they are right now.
If the employees can’t be thankful, quitting is an option and someone who doesn’t mind a COVID-19 test twice a month and a city mask can fill their positions.
Just sayin’
You all in these comments are a bunch of fear mongered, don’t stand for anything and fall for everything, weak minded, controlled sheep ! DO NOT TAKE THE TEST ! it is an 80% FALSE POSITIVE …first you take a test then you are told (lied to) that you have Covid19 and next the poison vaxx! …since when has Americans started being bullied and weak?! as citizens and country?!… when did Black people stop “giving a damn?!” and develop such a ” drink the Kool aid” mentality?! It’s sickening & disturbing that black people today are such a ridiculous shell of our ancestors… who’d never COMPLY with a social, racial and civil genocide , beginning with a mental brainwashing ! Do your research on the test and vaxx …go to the following You Tube channels and make an educated decision and not one based on fear and idiots (in these comments) & God bless!! :: YOUNG PHAROAH YOU TUBE CHANNEL , RISS FLEX YOU TUBE CHANNEL, NETS MOST WANTED YOU TUBE CHANNEL, HEALTHY AMERICAN YOU TUBE CHANNEL, FLEUR BURN YOU TUBE CHANNEL …get educated and stop living in fear & emotions !
You’ll read my sources in the conclusion of my comment IN ALL CAPS! ?…this is half the problem with “us” …we don’t like to slow down & read or research we always want things to fall in our lap … that’s why we are always easily targeted by “them” ?
This is a clown letter. Conspiracy much?
Black men were already duped with free medical because they were being studied and NOT treated for what the government pumped into their bodies. Black folks have EVERY right to be distrustful. What’s Butts getting to grab DNA on a bi-weekly, indefinite basis?
No conspiracy…and neither is a test filled with contaminations..
Just eat the damn cake Anna-Mae!
& you drink the Kool aid Ike…smh
Why is this even a issue! Take the test!
Which test ?? The contaminated one or the false positive one?? or the one that is actually laced with the virus??…naw you take the test…
That’s funny because my mom, sister, brother, sister-in- law and wife have all been tested. All came back negative and none of them have gotten sick.
Yous a stupid bitch… You take the test… And when your told you have covid… Don’t start crying.. just die already… SMH
This letter is ridiculous. You are an employee and you should wear a city issued mask which can help further identify you as an employee and you should get twice monthly testing. You might also be a bit more grateful to have your city job and the benefits that come with it. Including testing to ensure your health and safety and the health and safety of the community members that must deal with you.
Hire me! I will be more than happy to take the test weekly to protect myself, my coworkers, my neighbors and my family.
Have you signed up to participate in the vaccination trials?
Get a mind of your own…stop listening to mainstream media could save your freedoms- life literally
???? usually follow each other off the cliff…bahhhh
You should be happy to have an employer who understands the seriousness of this pandemic and takes your health and safety seriously. This is a model for what companies should do until a vaccine is available.
I stand with the employees
I guess you are saying don’t take the test?? ..if so good for you… someone actually awaken in these comments …!