The Inglewood City Council didn’t convene for this week’s regular city council meeting due to the primary elections. They did, however, find the time to call a special council meeting for the following day. The lone item was a joint Public Hearing to advance developer Safran & Associates over $6 million dollars from the General Fund for an affordable housing project.
This is the second instance of the city holding a special council meeting to advance funds that they hope are repaid through housing bonds. The first was $1 million dollars to purchase two homes for winners of the housing lottery.
Related: The first winner of Inglewood’s home-buyer program is *drum roll* a city employee
The city’s actions wouldn’t be so alarming if the public were actually in attendance at the meetings where these actions are being discussed and voted on. Despite what the staff report says, no one from the public was aware that a special council meeting was taking place because the city doesn’t have a properly functioning notification system to alert you when council agendas are being posted.
This council continues to make questionable decisions, with taxpayers money, with little to no input from Inglewood taxpayers. That is a huge problem especially if the city doesn’t receive the bond proceeds they are “borrowing” against.
Read the full staff report on the 42 unit housing project by clicking here.