This week’s regular city council meeting for the city of Inglewood will be the last for 2019. Council is expected to adjust water rates, expend $1 million from the city reserves for outstanding Inglewood Police Department (IPD) expenditures and reject claims related to a near fatal car collision caused by Inglewood Mayor James T. Butts Jr.
The city’s Finance Department is proposing a $5 water rate increase next month and an additional $3 in October. Water rates will continue to increase every October through 2023. This increase should give residents pause as trash rates increase every December which should make residents question at what point will they reap tangible benefits from the NFL stadium opening next summer. In countries like Iraq and Venezuela, utilities were free to residents due to the oil revenue.
IPD is requesting $1 million dollars, from the city’s reserves, to pay outstanding invoices for radios and computer dispatch system. The city will also reject all bids to upgrade the IPD locker room.
The city will expend $15,000 to create an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Inglewood and the County of Los Angeles for Civil Service Commission hearings. Currently, employees who are given intention to terminate notices, are given Skelly hearings by the same department issuing their notice.
The city will pay an outstanding invoice for work related to the proposed NBA arena where the staff report includes a peculiar signature by City Manager Artie Fields.
Related: Mayor crashes SUV into police officer on motorcycle, sends him flying into fountain
Finally, the city of Inglewood City Clerk’s office received claims for damages caused by Mayor Butts on April 30, 2019. Video footage showed Mayor Butts running a red arrow and he slammed into an oncoming car driven by Karina Gomez (received May 20, 2019) and her child, along with The city of Los Angeles and Los Angeles Police Department Motor Officer Michael Flynn (received July 22, 2019) who was sitting stationary at the entrance to the University of Southern California (USC).
Witnesses shared with 2UrbanGirls that both Mayor Butts’ wife Judy, and girlfriend Melanie McDade-Dickens were both on the scene to console him.
Mayor Butts has a lot of nerve.
1 Comment
He seems to be freewheeling with the City residents’ money. That is a coward.