The city of Compton council members will be tasked with more budget amendments, awarding of contracts and authorizing City Clerk Alita Godwin and City Treasurer Doug Sanders to travel on the taxpayers dime.
The coast must be clear for Compton elected officials to travel, despite a scathing audit detailing how millions of dollars, of taxpayers money, has been misspent, unaccounted for and simply walked out of City Hall.
Treasurer Doug Sanders, who presumably has yet to graduate from college, is requesting travel authorization to Las Vegas, Nevada and New Orleans, Louisiana. City Clerk Alita Godwin is requesting travel to St. Louis, Missouri.
Willdan Engineering, who was caught in the middle of infighting between City Manager Craig Cornwell and the former Assistant City Engineer, will be charged with administering Community Development Block Grant funds for HOME repair and 1st time homebuyer programs.
Related: City of Compton Assistant City Engineer resigns
The city continues to play around with positions located within the Compton Fire Department for administrative related services by removing hire paid positions for entry level ones.
City Attorney Damon Brown will provide an oral report on the illegal marijuana dispensaries that are still open within city limits.
Brown, in conjunction with City Manager Craig Cornwell, will also propose an ordinance that will prohibit the sale of flavored tobacco products.
The city has been non-responsive to public records request asking how many tobacco licenses will be affected by the proposed ordinance. The shutting down of these sales will contribute to the loss of business for retailers, like gas stations and 7-eleven’s who sell these products, along with many small business owners, who are also Compton residents.
Council will select members of the Charter Review Committee.
And finally, City Manager Craig Cornwell has proposed awarding a $625,000 contract to Screamin Eagle Services (SES) for providing services to clean up alley ways and illegal dumping, citywide.
Related: Cleaning up Compton: Residents unite for cleanup efforts
SES will receive $208,500 for the remainder of FY 2019-2020. The agreement is for six months with the option to renew another year. Despite SES not providing the lowest bid, Cornwell admired their creativeness in addressing the city’s needs. The one year extension is worth $417,000, should it be granted.
Duncan Hauling missed the opportunity by coming in at $1,500 more than SES.
Both companies used social media to show before/after photos of their work.
Implement same plan for graffiti
Why won’t they do what they have been telling us they would do? They have been saying forever that they were going to install cameras in areas where illegal dumping is prevalent and hold the violators accountable. Why not address the source of the problem, the violators? If half of that money were spent on cameras for prevention they would become proactive in addressing and eliminating the problem. When that contract expires, do same thing again,then again…
The best crew is the blue crew! District 3&4 crew has done more alleys and a better job then District 1&2. It’s unfortunate that the guys who done 1&2 are related to someone dealing with the contracts. They done less alleys and less work. Compton is so corrupt!