LANCASTER, CA – On November 7, 2019, the 2Urbangirls Blog published a “Letter to the Editor” that unleashed a fury of information that provided insight and questioned the stability of the current Antelope Valley Union High School District (AVUHSD) leadership. As information continues to be uncovered, and district residents begin to spill the districts deepest secrets; it leaves a thought of “how deep is this rabbit hole?”.
Antelope Valley has had its share of controversy in 2019. A picture of teachers and an administrator posing with a noose in Palmdale School District (PDSD) went viral. Over the summer, Los Angeles County Sheriff deputies investigated a racist video of AVUHSD students applying dark face paint and making racial slurs.
PSDS and AVUHSD are both entrusted with the regions voters to provide quality education to the northern tip of Los Angeles County. Both governed by School Boards elected by the voters of the area. California School Board Members are required by law to be a resident and registered voter of the school district that they serve and govern. The responsibility of the school board is to create policy, interview, hire, evaluate and terminate when needed a Superintendent.
Voters of the Antelope Valley have questioned the residence of AVUHSD Board Member John Rush. A recent record search shows Board Member Rush residence listed as 2655 E. Apricot Dr., Meridian, ID 83646. The California Government Code is very clear about elected officials residing in their district and what they consider residency.
codeResearch also revealed Board Member Rush along with his wife purchased this home in Idaho home in 2018.
rush-1The recent Letter to the Editor also put a spotlight on the employment contract of Dr. David Vierra, Ph.D who has been the district Superintendent for almost 20 years. Like other Superintendent employment contracts through the State of California; the devil is always in the details. With little to no school board opposition over the years Dr. Vierra secured his employment, his family members, as well as current and former school board member family members employment throughout the district.
salaryDr. Vierra’s most recent employment contract signed by former School Board President Michael Dutton on July 26, 2018 essentially giving Dr. Vierra four years the entire term of an elected majority needed to secure his employment again when needed. With the take home salary of $299,361 and an increase of $9,000 every year for the next four years not including health benefits allows his spouse and his children to collect themselves if he dies. Along with base pay and his lucrative fringe benefits, AVUHSD pays for Dr. Vierra’s association membership fees and travel that total cost more than $350,000 per year. (picture) Dr. Vierra’s employment contract was ratified in a public meeting of school board.
salary-Who actually took the time to read the contents? Who represented the district’s financial interest in deciding to approve this contract?
With the final nail in the coffin for Antelope Valley Residents Dr. Vierra negotiated a termination clause that doesn’t allow himself to be fired unless 4 of the 5 school board members agree to do so.
cause-1Now with the abrupt resignation of the AVUHSD Board President Robert “Bob” Davis it is unclear how the board that almost never votes 4 – 1 or unanimously together will agree on anything especially since Dr. Vierra has been using this authority to employ his own as well as former and current school board member’s family members.
These similar issues are plaguing the beleaguered, and nearly bankrupt, Lennox School District.
Related: Just days after Lennox superintendent resigned, L.A. County officials expressed fears about district’s solvency
Current Employees and Former Employees related to District Leadership:
Superintendent Dr. David Vierra Ph.D
Michael Vierra, Brother and Former Assistant Superintendent
Joseph David Vierra, Former Teacher, Athletic Director and now Assistant Principal East High
Crystal Rose Vierra, Sister, High School Employee
Board Member Stephanie Jill McGrady:
Dr. Steve Radford, Son – Current Regional Director of Antelope Valley Adult Education
Jodie Radford – Daughter In-Law Former Principal Antelope Valley High School
Former Board Member Barbra Willibrand:
Brett Neal, Son In-Law and current Assistant Superintendent of Personnel
Joseph Kelly, Son In-Law and current Director of School Improvement
As the leadership of Antelope Valley High School District continues to be questioned by district residents it is unconfirmed at the time of publication of this article if complaints had been filed with the public integrity unit located within The Office of Jackie Lacey, Los Angeles County District Attorney.
Your so concerned about the AV?? Maybe since your sister Dr. Ruffin is behind all this giving information about the board agenda items and intel about the district in which her family members have graduated from why don’t you report about the daca of today that was happening??? Your information is irrelevant and not new to the AV. Why all of a sudden is Ruffin iinvolved in board members other then her colleagues?? A year has gone by and her presence is still not known in the schools so how is she making changes or differences?? She didn’t show up to graduation at KHS because she has something against them for not giving her daughter a scholarship! But yet she wants to bring out the dirty laundry in highly respectful people but she is educated and a Dr??? What difference has she made since elected besides make a fool of herself and all the phony people she has rooting for her?? Does she also have a home in Oxnard that’s why meetings had to be modified for her schedule if so she’s not any different then the other board members… you want to write, write about the students and academics what there making a difference in and impacts they have!!! Focus on giving money to teachers and campuses to make it a better learning experience and environment.
Ms. Ruffin has been on the school board for approx. a year. Based on news reports, the students in the Antelope Valley Union High School District are demonstrating high levels of racism painting their faces black and using racial slurs. How is Dr. Vierra addressing THOSE issues?
Dr. Ruffin gives her race a bad name! She is a race baiting, pot stirring, RACIST.
She tries to bring attention to the plight of minorities, yet acts like a spoiled brat when she doesn’t get her way.The black community deserves so much better.
And no Ruffin, I do not wish to elaborate. You know what I am talking about. Do the right thing for ALL of the students………walk out and don’t come back?
The district needs a Black person on the board to keep Dr Vierra in check!
were getting involved w a huge play w the LASD and the AVUHSD. i am a community/political activist w ties allover the Antelope Valley to people who want social justice and WE NEED HELP ie your intel resources are far and way superior . 661 405 6771 Dave
“highly respected people” DONT HAVE DIRT pal.
1) All urbangirls content is about central Los Angeles issues. Where is this analysis coming from? Please explain and include why you suddenly care about our area otherwise this looks like a random piece.
2) “As district residents continue to reveal information.” Like any respectable publication, name your sources and your article will be more reputable and respected.
3) Thank you for proofreading this article unlike your first AV article about Davis’ resignation.
Hi Teagan!
This blog is credible enough to be cited in mainstream media like Daily Breeze, LA Times and your local paper, Antelope Valley News.
Second, we cover ANY area where Black people live and are educated. We don’t believe in boundaries on what we report as we are always looking to widen our reach.
Lastly, revealing sources is a breach of confidence of the author who submits anonymously.
All of you commenters are more concerned about “who wrote it” than critically examining the content that is being provided.
You can’t dispute the salaries, positions or board votes as they are ALL public record and if you check Transparent California, there are FIVE employees within AVUHSD, including the superintendent, with the last name Vierra.
We appreciate you reaching out Teagan.
This article is so full of misinformation. Perhaps do some research before you spout this inaccurate trash.
what do you consider “misinformation”? enlighten us.
It is not my job to enlighten you. It is your job to make sure that before you publish your content, that you do your due diligence in researching the facts, not just publishing what feeds your agenda.
information is accurate and supported with agenda items, votes and the like. Dr. Vierra is clearly concerned.
BE SPECIFIC. accusations are nothing w/o proof. if you got it post it
I thought we had issues here in the city. You mean to tell me this Dr. Vierra hired his brother as his next in command, his sister and let me guess the other Vierra is his Son! This reminds me of that movie “The Stupids” is Dr. Vierra his own Grandpa too? When is the next meeting? I hope DA Lacey attends to get to the bottom of this