The city of Compton ranks #1 as top city facing fiscal challenges. The asterisk by their name indicates the auditors determined Compton has high fiscal risk due to the lack of transparency over its finances. The state’s assessment comes at a time as the council is entertaining re-establishing a city credit card that was abused, and while the current fiscal years budget is $34 million dollars short.
Related: City of Compton to Re-establish City’s Corporate Credit Card
The city of Compton regularly contracts with auditors who fail to provide an opinion on the state of the city’s finances.
Related: Compton Federal Grant Audit Lacks Official Opinion
Several state audits found mismanagement of taxpayer money, streets remain in a disarray all while Mayor Aja Brown continues to promote herself as a savior of the city in the media.
Co-branded events featuring the city seal and the mayor’s non-profit include “Community Convos”, sit downs with presidential candidates, and being a guest speaker at faith based events, all appear to take precedence over getting the city’s financial outlook in better standing.
Unfortunately, City Manager Craig Cornwell finds himself in a precarious position as an accomplice who is assisting with the continue downward spiral of the finances.
Until the residents see through this mayor’s charade, their city will ultimately become insolvent and revert to the control of LA County.
This “new season in Compton” is a stale remake of Groundhogs Day.
Related: Compton: Corruption, Incompetence, or Just Business As Usual?
The year was 2013 and the city finances were out of control and the city was $44 million in the hole. News crews hounded then Mayor Eric Perrodin and his administration and many of them were forced out. Then came Aja Brown to get the city back on track. She has failed.
Is her time up? The proof is in the finances, or in Compton’s case, the lack thereof.
I find it highly offensive that when we had the chance for the better crook must of us fell for the bamboozle AGAIN. Yes, Omar had his tricks but he fix the streets and our water bills were wonderfully affordable considering we have the highest taxes in the the who damn county. Mrs. Brown with a new tax for your ass everytime she open her mouth is a joke that we are stuck with for the moment. With no viable new leadership in site. Which is why she has gotten away with her neglect because at the end of the day all city employees work for her.. I agree with the one comment about the dull and often not enough street lights. And I’ll just be damned that Measure P only bought the city hot patching for EXTREMELY delapidated streets oppose to the promise of complete new streets. Still going North, South, East or West, you know without doubt and much dismay that you are leaving and or entering Compton. I am fed the fuck up with it all. Let not talk about the city sidewalk maintenance. We are somewhere caught in the middle of the dessert or TiJuana Mexico. Even the new structure have been just sitting without tenant occupancy. And when it is occupied it don’t serve ALL the community. Trust me if I could just pick and leave I would. But I can’t just yet. Sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I find it highly offensive that when we had the chance for the better crook must of us fell for the bamboozle AGAIN. Yes, Omar had his tricks but he fix the streets and our water bills were wonderfully affordable considering we have the highest taxes in the the who damn county. Mrs. Brown with a new tax for your ass everytime she open her mouth is a joke that we are stuck with for the moment. With no viable new leadership in site. Which is why she has gotten away with her neglect. I agree with the one comment about the dull and often not enough street lights. And I’ll just be damned that Measure P only bought the city hot patching for EXTREMELY delapidated streets oppose to the promise of complete new streets. Still going North, South, East or West, you know without doubt and much dismay that you are leaving and or entering Compton. I am fed the fuck up with it all. Let not talk about the city sidewalk maintenance. We are somewhere caught in the middle of the dessert or TiJuana Mexico. Even the new structure have been just sitting without tenant occupancy. And when it is occupied it don’t serve ALL the community. Trust me if I could just pick and leave I would. But I can’t just yet. Sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Seems we’re stuck in neutral and I wanted to believe things were going to get better, until the report. What’s the forensic audit really about? Telling us truth or not? So confusing around here and the street situation was short of first down, patching in some and full resurfacing on others. Grandee is still a nightmare north of 132nd and when they get to El Segundo, water everytime it rains due to El Segundo being paved and the arc puts water near Grandee. Just one example among many I still see. Lighting supposed to be upgraded by SCE but not sure if I’m seeing it in my area or just getting used to the dim lights eating more carrots maybe. Some things have improved, of course, but seems like we’re still waiting in many others for capital improvement signs. We’re just not on a straight trajectory and now, PW’s Director on Admin leave? Isn’t that point person for all of the planned upgrade work discussed not long ago? So what did he do or didn’t do? All I have are more questions and an illegal dispensary I see at 512 E. Rosecrans still in business though confirmed to not have business license to be open, on the main drag through the city. Right around the corner from two schools as well…SMH but I can’t keep shaking it before it falls off somehow. Expected better but now concerned something’s awry or off in terms of the Vision plan I sat listening to. Politics here is a real trip some days…I’m no one’s favorite poster or emailer…but now do we expect much more or is there some logical explanation that makes more sense. Artesia gate to Blue Line, still off limits to shoppers and employees because of Crystal Park. Do politicians have this expiration date where they just do things not central to the public good after awhile, thinking they’ve done all they need to do? Then congratulate themselves for another event planned? Wedding planners do better I think…enough events. Things need attending to and not even sure what’s happening at city hall now? Except for maybe the CM clearing parts of the swamp recently. Compton needs a “reboot” faster than ever now, or we’ll slide back down the hole fiscally. Then what? I have no idea where we are now…sort of waiting for the promises made to either be explained better or maybe voters need another choice in a few years. But who? Another carpetbagger to come and raid our future hopes? Scared in a way, that I trusted the wrong people to do due diligence, posing for photo ops, and doing other things but the things we counted on to be done right and with integrity. Kind of depressing seeing things sort of stalled, though I’ll spot a new street sign here and there…a few new businesses opening and public opinion is starting to worry me about our city and it’s leadership doing other things. Maybe there’s an explanation maybe not…
Maybe you finally woke up-maybe Not!
City worker here. I knew Measure P was a fucking joke, and to have all these seniors think about the golden days of Compton. Sorry, but those days are over. The reality is that Compton. It is a low middle class city along the 710 freeway.
I am still asking you guys to check out how Measure P is spent. Salaries,new fleet cars, televisions, anything but the stupid streets you keep whining about. Sometimes, i really think the citizens get what they deserve.
This is a complete embarrassment !!! Aja Briwn needs to get out . Everything has become a joke . I grew up in Compton and to drive through the street today ; I do not recognized it .
City of Inglewood is nearing bankruptcy
Yes we are. It’s contagious!
Ain’t nobody talking about Inglewood JO!
That’s HURL, not hurt. Fucking autocorrect.
If it was indeed a new season in Compton, oaths of office would have been taken in the City Clerk’s Office. Now if there was no cost to the taxpayers for the little cake and punch festivities at Dollarhide, I apologize. I’m 56 years old, and just like when I was 2 years old, I bet cake and punch makes me hurt.
I assumed people wanted to move away from the ghetto aspect, pointing out all Janna’s faults. And I ain’t arguing that she had them.
Now we got someone on payroll who considers decorum “Coon ass shit “.
So what has been accomplished? Don’t ask me because I sure as fuck don’t know.
This is a complete embarrassment !!! Aja Brown needs to get out . Everything has become a joke . I grew up in Compton and to drive through the street today ; I do not recognized it .