The world is getting a first hand look at the ineptness of Compton City Hall. Residents and journalists are continuously fed misinformation related to Public Records Requests responses. The most recent blunder revolved around pothole repair equipment.
CBS’ ‘2OnYourSide’ did a follow up report on pothole issues Kristy Lazar reported on in May of this year. Lazar initiated a public records request which showed the Compton City Council members were more concerned about Lazar’s “source” than actually fixing the repairs.
A resident showed emails he sent to Mayor Aja Brown, where she said action would take place on potholes on his street, that never happened.
Brown then emailed former City Manager Cecil Rhambo chiding him for giving her “misinformation” to which he responded no discussion ever took place.
Newly appointed City Manager Craig Cornwell, who has worked for the city for over a decade, also provided CBS with false infomration related to equipment the city has for pothole repairs. Cornwell initially told CBS the city owned no equipment and his administration was working on purchasing trucks. Cornwell then had to correct himself and say the city did in fact own trucks for repair. He refused to comment on why he gave conflicting information.
This is the same runaround residents get when asking about street repairs. Residents were tricked into passing Measure P, which was a ballot measure to increase the city’s sales tax. The website that disseminated information on the Meausre was that led residents to believe the money the sales tax generated would go on street repairs. Of the $11 million collected, approx. $1 million has gone on street repairs. The rest to pay on the Sheriff’s contract, a Fire truck and upgrades to a park.
Yesterday’s regular city council meeting wasn’t aired on Channel 36 nor could you watch a live feed on the city’s website. A resident posted on his Facebook page that the meeting wouldn’t start until 9pm. This is what this council does. They hide from the public when the heat is on.
City Manager Craig Cornwell was made to look both incompetent and out of touch with department heads that report directly to him. All he could tell Compton residents was “we hear you”. That is a lame response coming from Cornwell, as he was the former Compton City Attorney whose office routinely denied ALL claims submitted to his office regarding damage to their cars caused by the potholes.
City Manager Craig Cornwell, and this council are a joke.
It is really disheartening to learn more and more that these people are charlatans that don’t have a clue nor give a damn about Compton’s residence nor the stability. I am so sick of the empty promises. Today, you still coming north, east, west or south that you are entering and or leaving Compton. The hot patch is not working and it a damn shame and a disgrace that any of this fantom conjure receives a paycheck.
This city manager was hired illegally. California Government code 1090 states that a former elected official must wait one year before they can be hired as an employee by the same agency. And, his contract is also illegal. He is getting paid the salary for city manager, and is also getting paid consulting fees as an attorney at the same time.
OMG!!! Craig Cromwell? They all should go to jail!!