On December 12, 2017, the city of Inglewood approved a staff report, to approve a CEQA funding amendment, in the amount of $2,238,418, to cover certain city costs for an EIR for the proposed Clippers Arena project. The funds came from Murphy’s Bowl LLC.
The staff report wasn’t signed by City Manager Artie Fields but by his Deputy, Yakema Decatur.
The FY 2017-18 budget had to be amended to receive the funds, and to reallocate the money, received from Ballmer, to go back into the General Reserve Funds, that were initially used to fund agreements for Environmental Science Associates, Trifiletti Consulting and Remy Moose Manley.
According to the staff report, the money from Murphy’s Bowl LLC was due to be deposited into Fund Account Code 300.
On the coming October 1, 2019, regular city council agenda, a payment for $731,245.33 will be paid to Environmental Science Associates out of Capital Improvement Funds.
When did the Clippers Arena become a capital improvement project? Mayor Butts continues to insist no public money is being used on this project, however, our reserves are being tapped until payment is received and now CIP funds are being used to pay vendors.