Concerned parents, with children in the Lennox School District, continue to scratch their heads at the antics of the interim directors. Tonight they are seeking to force custodians into an early retirement, by September 30th, in exchange for $10,000.
IX_F_9_FabiolaArellano1920_0Another concerned parent…Just to show conspiracy of certain key people making decisions, after the resignation of the former Superintendent, by persuading Nick Salerno (interim Superintendent), John Vinke (Interim CBO), Sherry Johnstone (Interim Director) on who to eliminate, hire and promote. These three interims have no clue that they are being manipulated by Becki Blanco (Chief Officer of Instructional Services), Victor Herrera (Business Manager) and Beatriz Torres (CSEA President of the classified members). Below is an example of the person they targeted by giving the recommendation of eliminating the After School Program Manager, to board members on the Special Board meeting on June 18, 2019.
The Jazz Orchestra Contract for $5,700 made it on the list for elimination, yet, on June 11, 2019, Fabiola Arellano’s contract for $24,000 to “recruit students” was renewed. Is Fabiola Arellano submitting itemized invoices of services performed or names of students she has recruited? Fabiola Arellano is a close friend of Angela Fajardo, board member of the Lennox School District.
Pissed off in Lennox
Lennox School Distict is in a financial crises, yet the outpouring of senseless contracted services continue to plague the district.
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Robbery and Bribery in Lennox.
Suspects are Becki Blanco (Instruction Chief), Victor Herrera (Business Manager), Nick Salerno (Interim Superintendent), Beatriz Torres (Union President), Michele Lopez (Hiring office), and the “righteous” Angela Farjardo (school board member).
These people need to be investigated and banned from our community!