Next to Spalding Pharmacy, Wise Tires has been an established business in the city of Inglewood since 1923. The business was started by Dan Wise and is now run by his son Dan Jr. Dan Jr. is also a member of the Inglewood Airport Area Chamber of Commerce (IAACC). 2UrbanGirls had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Wise and learning a little history along the way.
2UrbanGirls contacted Mr. Wise to find out why the city of Inglewood is now supporting a Los Angeles tire vendor instead of one within city limits. The city has used Wise Tires for decades.
When reached by phone, Mr. Wise confirmed he is still a board member of IAACC but has probably made “someone mad” in City Hall which led to his contract ending four or five months ago.
Mr. Wise also heavily pledges his support to the Centinela Adobe, the birthplace of Inglewood. The adobe was built by the Machado family, in 1834, who still have a seat on the board. The Machado’s got their start in the oil business and continue to earn royalties from the Inglewood Oil Fields.
Wise speaks of the lack of field trips by Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) to share the history of the city with the students. Dinosaurs have been found in the city, how a river used to run through Centinela Park, down Beach Ave., all the way to Venice (paging Inglewood native and IUSD school board member D’artagnan Scorza).
Despite the changes in the tire industry, Wise is able to remain at his location on La Brea due to him owning his own land. Despite Wise’s support for the NFL, and being blocks from the location, his parcels have yet to realize an increase in value as a direct result. Or is he being low balled on the land value, and being put in a position to sell for less than what the property is worth, because he lost his contract with the city?
Wise shared at the long vacant block at the intersection of La Brea and Tamarack, which was formerly known as the Inglewood Bowling Lanes and DJ’s Supper Club, is in the process of being purchased by Pixar Animation Studios who hopes to bring additional entertainment to the city.
We also discussed how the Daniel Freeman Hospital was the only catholic hospital in the world NOT named after a saint. Freeman’s daughter Grace agreed to give the land to the Sisters of St. Joseph Carondolet as long as her father’s name was placed on it.
The city is rich with history and Mr. Wise is more than happy to share with you if asked.
The bigger question is: how much is Mayor Butts being paid to force out long time business owners like the Wise family and is Butts trusty assistant, Melanie McDade, no longer in city hall so she doesn’t have to answer any of these questions?
He’s so right about everything and that field trip things he’s speaking FACTS my daughters haven’t been to a field trip that didn’t involve going to ASH park sad but true I was born and raised in INglewood and I remember being little and the school took us whale watching felt like once a year, and Museums which was awesome but not anymore the school district running a racket and the mayor with them, all this money coming into the city but none to our schools.
DAN I knew your father/moved here in 1963/been involved with city ever since/you were very young/your property is valuable/politics in Inglewood has always been like all small cities/u are part of the history/ GIL MATHIEU