During a Special City Council Meeting held on Thursday, August 22nd, Thomas Safran, under the name of Inglewood Market Gateway LLC/TSA Market Gateway LLC, has obtained approval to erect a digital billboard at the intersection of Market and Florence at 205 . Market Street/213 Market Street. The city plans on receiving a one-time payment of $12,500 and monthly payments of no less than $5,000.
The city cites the need for the digital billboards as a way to take advantage of media opportunities related to the Forum and NFL stadium.
Related: What’s going on in the city of Inglewood: Billboard Blight
WOW Media, who currently operates no less than a dozen digital billboards in the city and Thomas Safran are regular campaign donors to Inglewood Mayor James Butts. In return, they have received access to numerous city owned properties, for alleged “affordable housing” projects that have yet to be realized.
Related: City of Inglewood to Enter Into New Affordable Housing Agreement
The city was on the receiving end of a legal claim related to billboards along LaCienega.
Related: Jewish Foundation Files Claim Against City of Inglewood
The city continues to bend over backwards for developers while dragging their feet on a permanent rent control ordinance that residents are patiently awaiting to get final approval.
Related: When will the Inglewood Housing Authority develop their Vacant Land
Residents are also patiently waiting for Thomas Safran to develop various parcels designated for housing as opposed to erecting digital billboard.
Safran continues to use multiple shell companies to implement new disposition and development agreements which delays the start of housing projects.
1 Comment
Yes thank you for letting us know, it’s awful how corrupt these low scale politicians imagine the ones at the very top ??♀️
And yet our schools here in Inglewood are struggling my child is a 5th grader in a combination class. Because the school district can’t afford to pay more teachers.