Digital billboards continue to be erected throughout the city of Inglewood in anticipation of the opening of the $5 billion dollar NFL stadium. The latest will be located at the intersection of Century and Hawthorne.
On the regular city council agenda for Tuesday, July 16th, the Erwin Rautenberg Foundation has filed a claim against the city for “inverse condemnation” that has been ongoing since October/November 2018.
The term “inverse condemnation” is a legal term to describe a city taking private property, for public use, but fails to pay the required compensation required by the 5th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
On August 25, 2015, the city entered into an agreement with WOW Media to install (10) digital billboards. Two of the billboards are located at 9133 La Cienega between Arbor Vitae and Manchester.
The MOU established the city of Inglewood receiving a “signing bonus” of $3.1 million dollars. WOW Media has regularly donated to the re-election campaigns of Mayor James Butts.
The document was signed by Economic Development Manager Christopher Jackson and allegedly by City Manager Artie Fields whose signature isn’t consistent with other documents signed by him.
Related: What’s going on in the city of Inglewood: Billboard Blight
Item C of the document relates to the properties owned by the Rautenberg Foundation. WOW Media was to negotiate with the owners of 8901-9133 La Cienega. The property currently serves as headquarters to many air freight forwarders and Spencer4Hire Security Services.
Documents show the city received bonuses for the Rautenberg properties in the amounts of $250,000 for each billboard plus a minimum annual guarantee of $120,000 each.
The remainder of the agenda is light.
The city will impose an Emergency Ordinance for a 45-day moratorium on any self storage facilities in the city, despite a Miami based storage facility contributing towards Mayor Butts’ 2018 re-election campaign.
The city will donate in-kind services, totaling approx. $24,000, towards Planning Commissioner David Rice’s annual Taste of Inglewood celebration. The event will feature many local clothing and food businesses, some of which are frequented by this author. 2UrbanGirls is particularly excited to see A la Clark Cuisine as a vendor.
The city will also schedule Public Hearings related to the annual assessments and levy for the Morningside Park Maintenance Assessment District District No. 1974-2, In-Town Maintenance Assessment District No 1975-1, Inglewood Street Lighting Assessment District No. 1980-1, and Darby-Dixon Maintenance Assessment District No. 1987-1.
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Would love to see the “City” initiate a higher pay agenda within their Parking Enforcement agency, morale may start an upswing. Maybe if the workers made more than 12.75 and hr., they could finally be able to pay their rent and have enough left over for a whole hamburger foe dinner…instead of splitting it four ways so it can last for a week. Jus sayin!