2UrbanGirls notified the community of the shocking death of Kent Taylor. Taylor was an excellent educator, teacher and well liked educator throughout the state of California. His sudden death led many to speculate as to why he would take his own life.
Sources within Lennox School District have shared over the course of the last years of insinuations surrounding Taylor and an employee of the district who received a position they were not qualified for.
They went further to state that travel records and expense reports would corroborate the relationship between the two men.
The same sources who gave 2UrbanGirls the details of Taylor’s death, have also corroborated they too were aware of a relationship between Taylor and a district employee.
It also gives more context to Assemblymember Autumn Burke’s cryptic message “…our differences should be fully embraced, not destroyed…” was she aware too?
As standard practice, 2UrbanGirls reached out to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office to see if any lawsuits had been recently filed from any employees within the district, against Taylor, to which the District Attorney requested they needed Taylor’s date of birth and/or a specific incident date to lookup requested information.
It was the first time the District Attorney’s office requested such information to search a case when given both parties names.
This blog and David Rosenfeld, with the Daily Breeze, have continuously reported on many fiscal facing the disctrict.
Rosenfeld has pointed out the many open ended contracts doled out under Taylor and many ponder as to whether it was “hush money” of some sorts to keep Taylor’s alleged activities under wraps.
This story is still developing as records requests have been initiated to obtain travel related documents from the Lennox School District.