A concerned parent in Lennox School District is concerned about an employee receiving generous overtime, while being observed on school campuses while the district is closed.
I am a parent with kids going to Lennox schools. I would like to know when will you begin to ask questions of the school board. When will you hold them accountable for the over spending these past years. is there a secret agenda? Why does Victor Herrera the business manager continue to work over time if he’s part of the problem. He has been seen coming in on weekends. He made over 50,000 in just over time. How is that? Why are you looking at the current and continuing problem? Who is authorizing his over time and why?
If you ask for his time cards or do a public records request for all money paid to him up until now, you should be able to follow the trail. He has been working overtime for over 5 years. He also has other family members working here. Who is giving him all this extra money?
Concerned parent
What we have been able to learn is at one time Herrera was employed at the Lennox Academy and rose through the ranks to become the districts Business Manager under former CBO Kevin Franklin.
It is understood David Rosenfeld, from the Daily Breeze, is looking into which family members of Herrera’s also work at the district.
1 Comment
This is criminal and Victor Herrera needs to be investigated. Whose hands is he greasing to continue making overtime if it is such a problem. Who is watching over him on the weekends? Where is the oversight? He must be aligned with people allowing this to continue, so who is allowing this and why? As a parent of the district, I am also very concerned about lots of recent decisions made in Lennox. Seems like the top people are not competent or trustworthy. So Board, what are you doing about the top people (Superintendent and Chief)who are allowing the business manager to keep robbing the district?