Fashion Nova (FN) fell short of reporting a BILLION dollars in earnings at the close of 2018. Insiders share with 2UrbanGirls the secret to their FN empire.
Between partnerships with the Kardashian family, which includes paying upwards of $1.5 million per post and knocking off the latest fashion worn by Kim Kardashian, Fashion Nova has become the hottest brand in the fashion industry.
Fashion Nova caught a little heat over this Thiery Mugler dress as they were accused of copying. The fashion house had the dress for sale on their website in less than 24 hours after she wore it.
Related: Is Kim Kardashian Helping Fast Fashion Sites Knock Off Her Designer Looks?
Fashion Nova also benefits from the thousands of “Nova Babes” who work for FREE in exchange for clothes. Most of which are Black women.
The “Nova Babes” then leverage their relationship with Fashion Nova to charge upstart clothing companies hundreds of dollars for paid posts.
Insiders share each division (dresses, jeans, curve, etc.) of Fashion Nova earns roughly $10 million per MONTH and social media influencers should be reaping checks like the Kardashians but are happy settling for free clothes which Fashion Nova charges to “advertising”.
Popular Instagram page @TheShadeRoom regularly features posts tagged with #FashionNovaPartner to further the companies penetration to minority customers. Comments always revolve around delays in receiving purchases and the long delays in crediting returns.
Fashion Nova insiders share that even employees are given the run around when it comes to returning clothing they purchase, which is discounted at the same 30% off they give to consumers. Fashion Nova loses track of returned inventory resulting in severe delays in crediting customers accounts.
Despite the wide variety of styles, the inner workings of Fashion Nova are a mess. Employees are routinely fired, without cause, and inventory controls are non-existent.
The company deceives customers into thinking their clothing is made in the USA when it is actually manufactured in China.