Compton City Council candidate Justin Blakely needs a long look in the mirror. He has surrounded himself with individuals who appear to be using his campaign to carry out a vendetta against their council colleague.
Blakely has been endorsed by Compton Councilmembers Isaac Galvan and Janna Zurita, despite his publicly complaining about the state of the city’s streets.
One of his campaigns vendors, Angel Gonzalez, is known for sending out erroneous campaign mailers.
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His dismissal from employment as Galvan’s liaison made the LA Times.
Related: Compton fires new Councilman Galvan’s aide, who has a criminal record
Now the Blakely/Galvan/Gonzalez/Zurita group is attempting to deceive voters into believing that the pothole issues lies squarely on the shoulders of Councilwoman Emma Sharif.
Blakely is making himself look out of touch with “reality” by accepting endorsements from the very people who share the blame for the condition of the streets. Both Galvan and Zurita were ALREADY on the council prior to Sharif’s being elected and if Blakely were TRULY aware of what was going on in Compton, and participated in the voting process prior to December, he would know that.