During next week’s (March 5th) regular city council meeting, Inglewood Mayor James Butts will introduce a temporary (45 day) moratorium on certain residential rent increases. The emergency ordinance will spell out rent increases can not exceed 5% annually and there must be just cause for eviction. Surprisingly, the ordinance was not prepared by City Manager Artie Fields.
Related: Is the Inglewood City Manager on the Chopping Block
Two statewide bills, AB 2925 and AB 2364, sought similar protections but our lovely Inglewood Assemblymembers Autumn Burke and Sydney Kamlager-Dove, decided not to vote on protecting residents in their districts.
Related: LA Area Democratic Lawmakers Betray Renters, Again
The Inglewood staff report was prepared by Melanie McDade, Executive Assistant to the Mayor and Yakema Decatur, Deputy to the City Manager.
The ordinance will request that staff prepare a report, within 30 days, and if 4 out of 5 members of the city council vote “yes” the ordinance will go into effect immediately.
This is definitely a step in the right direction for city residents, of which 60% are renters.
The Inglewood Baseball Fund (IBF), founded by Erikk Aldridge of AEG Worldwide, is donating $99,000 to fund baseball improvements at Darby Park. In exchange, logos and signage will be erected mentioning the sponsorship. IBF was founded in the city of Inglewood but has moved to Los Angeles.
The city will move $275,000 from the Economic and Community Development Fund to Capital Improvements, to restrict public access to City Hall. The bid for this work was placed in the “Harold Newspaper” on January 24, 2019, and after receiving only two bids, the work was awarded to R Dependable Const Inc. based in San Bernardino County and is registered to Rosemary Padilla. It is not known if she is related to Councilman Alex Padilla.
It is also not known why Inglewood based E.H. Construction and Gala General Construction were unresponsive to the above bid.
City Manager Artie Fields signed off on the above staff report but somehow his signature doesn’t match documents he signed on January 15, 2019. Who is tasked with forging his name? Stay tuned.
**this article was updated to reflect the correct spelling of the legal name of R Dependable Const Inc. and Herald Publications**

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