Corruption continues to occur under West Basin Municipal Water District Chairwoman Gloria Gray’s watch. Despite watching her former colleague, Ron Smith, serve jail time for corruption, she continues to allow herself and colleagues to gauge ratepayers via their allowed per diem.
Related: Ronald C. Smith Pleads Guilty and Resigns from West Basin Board of Directors
Ron Smith and former West Basin Board Member Rob Katherman were found to be involved in awarding money to a Torrance based nonprofit, run by Katherman’s wife that funded Smith’s lifestyle. Smith was convicted and the Katherman’s were acquitted. Despite West Basin’s publicly declaring things would change, a January 2019 article from Daily Breeze found that nothing changed.
Related: 4 years after a corruption scandal, West Basin water district still wrestling with ethics
Gloria Gray is the Inglewood areas representative but had a hard time staying elected due to her consistent failure to raise money. In stepped Inglewood Mayor James Butts who helped bankroll her campaign. In exchange, while Gray sat on the Carson Oversight Committee, she drafted and sent a scathing letter to the CA Department of Finance to derail Carson’s chances to lure the NFL to their city.
Related: Carson, Inglewood jockey for position in race to build NFL stadium
Last night, David Goldstein, of CBS, caught up to one of Gray’s colleagues, Carol Kwan, to discuss why they charge hundreds of dollars to attend meetings that last on average of five minutes. Kwan had no comment. In fact, through their per diems, Kwan earned nearly $60k for the year and Gray earned approx. $100k.
Related: Goldstein Investigation: Money Flows Like Water At Water Board Meetings
It’s a sad truth that elected officials corrupt ways allows other corrupt elected officials to take advantage of their nefarious ways. It’s even more pathetic when Black elected’s are corrupt and their friends in the Black media puts them on a pedastal praising their corruption.
Gloria Gray lacks both ethics and integrity and should resign immediately as she is unfit to chair this organization.
Yikes! Katherman tried to develop a new golf course in this area.