Compton residents will take to the polls on Tuesday, April 16th, to elect councilmembers for District 1 and 4.
Campaign season has already gotten off to a contentious start between District 1 Councilwoman Janna Zurita and one of her opponents Michelle Chambers, staff of Assemblymember Mike Gipson.
Zurita has already secured a huge endorsement from the LA County Federation of Labor, who are expected to walk the potholed lined streets on behalf of her re-election. Videos have been shared on social media of Zurita demonstrating some type of strange control over City Manager Cecil Rhambo.
Related: Compton Councilwoman Plays Dirty to Stay Elected
Rhambo fired off a letter to Chambers employer most likely at the request of the Zurita’s. In turn, Janna’s more friendly and popular sister Satra, received a job promotion to Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation, that according to a public records request, was never open to the public. There is also question that she doesn’t not hold a degree, as outlined in the job announcement, and that “personal” connections to Rhambo, got her the job.
Nevertheless, Zurita’s opponents have failed to outline a platform or plan to move the city forward. Instead they focus on the potholes and Zurita’s nasty behavior as reasons to unseat her.
According to Zurita’s last campaing 460 filing, in February 2017, she had less than $1,000 on hand after raising a total of $35k.
In addition to Chambers, Jasper Jackson, Ron Green, Richard Alatorre and Francisco Rodriguez will also appear on the ballot. During a campaign fundraiser, Chambers made note she will be placed 1st on the ballot.
Over in District 4, Counciwoman Emma Shariff will face off against Inez “’Tootie” Adkins.
2UrbanGirls looks forward to covering these races.