The CA Democratic Party is imploding and playing a dangerous game. Political insiders say Congresswoman Maxine Waters is getting her “comeuppance” by members of the CA Democratic Party, including the California Black Caucus. Based on what was shared with 2UrbanGirls she appears to be the mean, vicious woman President Donald Trump makes her out to be.[adsenseyu2]
An article titled Black Leaders Express “Profound Indignation” Over Schumer and Pelosi’s Failure to Defend Maxine Waters From Trump Attacks hit the press and caused a collective gasp throughout the community.
The jest of the article centered around a letter signed by 200 community members, mostly women, urging the Democratic Party to get behind Waters and denounce the death threats she is receiving for publicly bashing the Trump Administration and calling for them to be “to publicly confront and harass members of the Trump administration”.
“We call on the Democratic Party leadership to step up and publicly support Congresswoman Waters, who has been receiving death threats for speaking truthfully and boldly in support of immigrant families and challenging the Trump administration to end their inhumane and immoral policy that has yet to reunite over 2,000 children with their parents and continues to lock up refugees seeking asylum in the United States of America,” wrote the mostly female signers of a letter sent to the Democratic leaders.
It is well-known that when election season rolls around, Congresswoman Waters makes a small fortune selling her endorsement for political candidates. In turn, she will show up at their campaign events, spewing political rhetoric, that is old and tired. That’s the only time we see her.
These same elected officials, who pay for her endorsement, now refuse to stand by her as she presses forward calling for retribution to the Trump Administration.
Related: Maxine Waters Slated to Pay Daughter Another $108K From Campaign Funds
Insiders are not happy she doesn’t support their community’s, charges an arm and a leg for inclusion in her coveted Voters Guide and is generally perceived to not be a supporter of up and coming community advocates seeking office. She doesn’t support incumbents either. They also complain she has no succession plan that includes mentoring her eventual replacement. We assume she plans on dying in office.
This stale political posturing is giving rise to alternative candidates, in particular, one who stands out name Maria Estrada.
Estrada is a die-hard Berniecrat. She is progressive and has managed to end up in the November run off with Speaker Anthony Rendon and she has him shaking in his boots. If Republicans get behind her, she will oust him.
If what the insiders are saying is true, the Democrat party is a party of hypocrites. How they manage to pay Waters for her support, while silently despising her, sends mixed signals to constituents and fuels candidates like Estrada, who seek to demolish the establishment the Democrats have had a stronghold on since the New Deal. A stronghold that continues to be the detriment of minorities.
Does it also say they can’t get elected without her help?
To add insult to injury, Congresswoman Karen Bass, who like Waters is from Los Angeles, is seeking to become the President of the Congressional Black Caucus and instead of supporting her, Waters is supporting Congresswoman Eyvette Clark from New York,
Waters better wake the fuck up. Voters too.
Read the full letter to the members of the CA Democratic Party by clicking here.