2UrbanGirls is super proud of Maria Estrada. This woman is courageous and has the chops to be an elected official. She has ran a respectable campaign that others should take note of. Although she is running against Anthony Rendon, which could be intimidating, Estrada has risen to the occasion and hasn’t backed down.
2UrbanGirls came to know of Estrada after a crushing defeat of Sen. Bernie Sanders in the presidential primary. She became a member of the “Friends Who Like 2UrbanGirls” facebook page and is a regular contributor of news surrounding issues she’s passionate about: SB 562 which creates single payer healthcare and the environment.
2UrbanGirls knew her platform before she officially announced her intentions to run. We could tell by her posts and rhetoric that she was gearing up.
She has campaigned with a broken leg, filed a lawsuit against the CA Democratic Party, in a dispute over an endorsement, and spoken at rallies on the steps of our State’s capitol.
She has community support with many riding in low riders over the weekends blaring out her message and she has awoken a group of voters who love her dedication and passion to rage against the democratic machine.
2UrbanGirls is aware of other grassroots candidates like Miguel Zuniga, who have a tough time getting the word out due to limited campaign donations, yet, they have been fully supportive of community efforts, most recently helping get the word out on the still yet to be resolved water crisis effecting residents covered by the Sativa Water District.
2UrbanGirls wholeheartedly supports Maria Estrada for CA State Assembly District 63 because she is the kind of candidate we need in office. Those who stand up for people and are fearless while doing so.
Get used to her face for she isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Learn more about her campaign at MariaforAssembly.org.