After the release of scathing audit on the city of Compton, it was revealed that one of the three functioning Chamber of Commerce’s received nearly $100k in questionable payments from the city. 2UrbanGirls has obtained an email from Dr. Lestean Johnson, to the mayor, city council and Chamber’s members, informing them of their obtaining legal services related to this matter. The contents of the email leads 2UrbanGirls, and recipients of the email to believe, that the Chamber has not received $50k the audit describes them receiving in FY 2015-16.
The Compton Herald started a series delving into the State’s unraveling of the city’s finances and reported:
For instance, the city paid the Compton Chamber of Commerce for Fiscal Years 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 — $11,074, $25,000, and $50,000, respectively, for a total of $86,074. The payments increased three years straight under questionable circumstances since little is known about what the Chamber of Commerce does or how it benefits the city.
Subject:Auditor listing of $50,000 to Compton Chamber of Commerce
Good Afternoon Honorable City Officials,
This email serves to inform you that as President and CEO of the Compton Chamber of Commerce, it is my fiduciary responsibility to address the statement listed in the State’s Auditor finding of issuing a check payable to the Compton Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $50,000 in the 2015/2016 fiscal year.
I have been instructed by counsel to take the following steps, (all of have been completed): 1) Contact the Chamber’s Accountant and have all Chamber bank statements pulled for the respective years; file an information request with the City’s record department requesting “front and back” copies of checks payable to Compton Chamber of Commerce in 2015 and 2016 in the amount of $50,000; and back up documentation including – Resolutions authorizing expenditures; purchase order; and requisition; and finally to email all elected officials and board members informing of my actions.
All Chamber Board Members are “bcc” on this email.
Although the City of Compton Council have voted on a monetary stipend to the Compton Chamber of Commerce since its inception; those stipends were stopped during the current Compton Council administration.
As stated, all steps that were instructed, have been completed; and the Chamber await the findings of the Information Request.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Lestean M. Johnson
Compton Chamber of Commerce
Est. 1923
310-631-8611–Business Phone
A previous public records request on all checks issued from the City Manager/Controller, out of public eye, from January 2012 through December 2015, showed the chamber received incremental payments totaling the amounts listed above. Perhaps their request should be amended to requesting a transaction history of all payments made under their vendor ID. The reason being is the city manager was only authorized to write checks up to $25k so a check for $50k wouldn’t exist without it being on the council agenda for approval.
It’s for these exact reasons that for the last five years 2UrbanGirls has publicly pondered on WHY warrant registers aren’t included on the regular city council agendas.